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  • I am n'Kylbar born and Magnagora raised. My father Revan keeps some interesting company. Although I have very little memory of the people I encountered in my pre-Nekotai life, Vath was a sure standout. 

    I would bump into Vath on…
    in Vathael Comment by Janalon December 2013
  • (Quote) I'm not so sure I like the idea of prompting a novice to choose race immediately after selecting a guild. I'm guessing they will make a decision prior to the collegium welcome and being directed to read any help file (i.e. Glomd…
  • (Quote) That is exactly my question. I did create a new character to see "when" novices are guided to pick race. As I made my way through the tutorial, I found myself selecting an org and guild prior to selecting race. I'm not sure if o…
  • (Quote)

    Working within the pre-defined mechanics of the new GUILD RACES syntax, neutral-based "encouraged" and "discouraged" could easily be defined through the use of CGHELP and GHELP. I'll take some time to …
  • I find myself strongly agreeing with Lerad's perspective for a variety of reasons. I'll spare TL:DR ya with an elaborated response thought... other than the anecdotal evidence that I've worked with many frustrated novices who needed to reincarnate a…
  • Maybe I am half-remembering the GUILD LEDGER MEMBERS (which I did have full awareness about previous to my posting), or half-muddled the idea with an old forum post. I do apologize for any misinformation or wrongful accusation. 

  • (Quote) Time to create a new character to get first person perspective on the matter!
  • If memory serves correct, there was a guild priv GUILD RACES that gives a percent based indication on a race-by-race basis. I don't remember if this was for "all" members or actives only. After scanning through GUILD PRIVS, I no longer see this comm…
  • (Quote)
    I will give brief mention about racial options in a CGHELP STINGS file, with a more elaborate response in GHELP GUILDRACES. The collegium scroll will cross-reference the guild scroll. Use the tools that you already ha…
  • Monks rely on a combination of STR + DEX. If memory serves correct, dex significantly factors into PVE damage while STR impacts PVP damage. I forget which stat gives higher wounds. 

    High levels of constitution ~OR~ ba…
  • I don't want to dwell too much on the negatives of a guild-flex artie, as the idea has some mass appeal and early coding. Rather, I would love to advocate for an alternate/complimentary race/guild flex that is limited to one arena event for …
  • (Quote) I'm coming in very late on this conversation... so my opinions will matter very little to the grand discussion.

    I can most reasonably anticipate that the Nekotai guild leaders will nearly block all incoming …
  • Iosai is entirely beloved by the Lusternia community at large. How about a little something to commemorate her time here? This could either be pretty cool... or kinda creepy... but how about an Iosai dingbat doll

  • (Quote)
    And then what happens when you are under aeon while sliven hunting?
  • Beastmastery Add On gives:


    I use the DOR for repeating my kata performance. Hence why I want to use BOR before DOR (and feel that I need them both …
  • FUR-LINED INCUBATOR: This artifact is placed within a manse by the manse owner. Essentially the incubator will halve the incubation time for beast eggs to hatch. The incubator can only be used by the manse owner... however, they may later choos…
  • Gwah. I'm having trouble getting the beastmastery add on to work properly. I'd really love to see an update for GMCP to simplify the "Lost Balance" or "Got Balance" code. Does anyone have their own home-brew fix they could share here? I'd greatly ap…
  • Iosai. Thank you. You were personable as you were technically savvy. Your coding imprint and change to envoy culture (in addition to the way in which updates are communicated) will make lasting contributions for years to come. 
    in Iosai Comment by Janalon October 2013
  • Heh, I saw this issue when skillflexing became a reality many moons back. I immediately "issued" the fact that certain specs could maintain a dual set of defenses through the cord... especially the most glaring psymet > acro flex. Of course my "i…
  • OK, I won't go through the step-by-step of what didn't work. Suffice it to say, I tried a variety of approaches to the point of frustration. It didn't help that I couldn't run the debugger due to the never-ending pinwheel. It turns out that my assum…
  • OK, perhaps this is the best existing thread to post about my Mudlet Mapper issues. Because right now, the ongoing problem is entirely preventing me from playing Lusternia to any degree.

    I previously played the mac release for Mudlet 2.0-…
  • First and foremost, thank you for your keen reflection on 2012. I especially appreciate the brutal honesty regarding the static player base and how ikons were received. Despite those particular areas... WOW! A ton of fresh content was released, espe…
  • Well, due to the current envoy etiquette, there are very limited circumstances when I might be able to submit a report for another guild's skills. Lack of consistent / productive envoy might constitute such a circumstance.

    in Monk'd Comment by Janalon January 2013
  • (Quote) For some reason I thought the issue of Taht insta was put into a report some while ago. I believe that Wobou was the one who raised the concern through Envoy news boards. I'll leave Xena to make the appropriate decisions. Howeve…
    in Monk'd Comment by Janalon January 2013
  • Power was finally restored to my part of Jersey after Frankenstorm Sandy wrecked her havoc; a small inconvenience considering there was no damage to property.
  • (Quote) As an addendum, give this gag gift a cubetap-like syntax to considerably extend reset. Gift auto resets when opened and gag worm pops out.
  • Seriously, how about s 15-25 db gag gift... Like an Ironbeard-looking present. When opened, an illithoid worm pops out to shock the opener. Would be lolz to leave at the nexus or aetherplex any time of year.
  • Or Malarious's Bag of Lost Marbles... (Which invokes +1 to parley w/admin about monk balance).

    Happy Halloween Mal :)
  • (Quote) How about gold for lessons?
  • Usually each trade has its own figurine/construct specialty. I would imagine you would need to review what is already implemented, and suggest some new & unique mechanics.