Second on recommending this as well. For a little more than the price of one of Pazio's 62 page books (~$16) you get nearly all their main books. It's a deal to the point of if you are even passively interested in rea…
One of the things that really impressed me about Bloodborne is how relevant small details are. At some point, you will find barrels full of eyes. Sounds creepy by itself, until you realize how that fits into the overarching theme and what they are …
Welcome to the trenches of adulthood. Grab a quick shower, your stimulant of choice and enjoy the sunshine!
I'm going to be so happy when I drop dead in 30 years in General DissatisfactionComment by KaalakFebruary 2016
Raise your hand if you are suprised Celina was locked in the basement or if you think she didn't deserve it. Right. So for the Gods and this related to the film?
So your admitted toxic behavior towards one player has never been repeated towards any other player is that what you are claiming?
You've changed from one year ago? You haven't repeated this behavi…
Alright lets see here and settle into..
"Cut Off Their Balls Wang"
Good start good start.
Edit: end of the first page. I am hooked.
Edit2: book is very fun. Not sure if it's literary yet.
Mind BLOWN. I'm looking at the Skhoop line of skirts which look like you could turn into a pillow. Some of these are logical transitions in that they are skirts made of water/sweat repellent material. I now have gift ideas. Thank you in General DissatisfactionComment by KaalakFebruary 2016