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  • I have concluded testing and it definitely looks to be around 2s per aff with Tear. I can add a link to a log in a post if necessary. 

    Edit: I agree with Esano that the entire skillset of dramaturgy needs a bit of work. 
  • From my small testing (times may be out because of my connection), a 3 aff climax is about a 6 second stun. I have yet to look at 1, 2, 4 and 5 aff climaxes, but if its 2s per aff (which is what it looks like to me), I think that's a bit rough. Cons…
  • I mean. Pressing the creeping/chembomb button is a strategy. I stand by the fact that yes, xyzwood need a look over, and that's my personal opinion. You're not the only one in the boat of, "my chem sucks more than xyzwood"
  • (Quote)
    I'm all for having a proper look at Creeping/Glinshari, and my point was, if you had 5 people using the 10p bomb at the same time/1-2 seconds apart, 25 * 5 is still enough to kill someone, was more my point. I was using my …
  • Looking over from the start of ascension to the end of it, on the deathsight live feed, I counted 26 kills by you. And imho, Wildewood is better. Also edited earlier w/ a log of you multikilling w/ a bomb. It was only two, but it was the first one I…
  • (Quote)
    08:36:43 Enero has been chewed away to ash and a blackened corpse by Crimebear Brawrur Lunarose, of the Psychedelic Paw's ravenous arson.
    08:36:43 You see the death occur at Lost within a raging duststo…
  • I don't know what you mean when we "started exploiting" creeping. That was legit our strategy from second 1 of ascension. Yes, if you had 8 wildewood, it would have been the same effect on us. Brawrur, you got 26 kills by yourself as a chem doing bo…
  • There have been plenty of conflict events occurring at times when our side has next to nobody.  I have also played during a time when my side of the game had literally nobody almost all the time. I still never complained about the 'randomness' of ra…
  • (Quote) Victory or Death.
  • (Quote)
    It depends on what I'm doing. Solo I stack the two steam affs so I can for burst others for Tcuts. Otherwise, it depends on what form rotation I'm using for groups.
  • (Quote)
    This is true, though TimeEchoes hasn't changed a great deal, I don't think. It seems relatively the same as old TimeEchoes. And I've used both. Again  I may be wrong.

    Edit: Noting that TimeEchoes is one of the main so…
  • Note that in my comment I also stated that I had the same view point from OUTSIDE Hallifax, fighting AGAINST them.
  • Personally, I definitely see more slush affs in combat than I do spiritual affs. And yes, this may be my personal experience, and it may not actually be correct. But I have played against Hallifax from the other side, and even then I did not see Hal…
  • (Quote) Also not to mention potential command denial from temp insanity.

    Edit: Unless that doesn't apply to cure, which I am fairly sure it does
  • The balances for steam/slush are the same for the affs I just tested it with.

    Edit: Disregard, my timestamp on my prompts was incorrect. Steam came back at about 1.5s
  • How exactly do you mean that steam cures slower than lucidity.
  • It was a legitimate point. But, sure. whatever.
  • Please provide me a reference as to when the last roomwide timequake was successfully done.

    Edit: More to the point, Post the researcher overhaul.
  • I am inclined to disagree. While I agree that there is a lot of rng in debating, I don't think the only 'strategic' element is walking out.
  • I have a love-hate relationship with peaced revolts.

    I am an avid debater and I do love peaced revolts for that reason, however, nobody ever tries and they just walk out because it's easier. There was a change that was pushed for a while …