Razzafrazzin' Ladantine status razzafrazzin Sea of Despair razzafrazzin rabble rabble. You kill ONE sea wolf in the Inner Sea and suddenly you can't path in or out of a third of the Basin by area and can't get amnesty because His Imperial Corpsiness…
^ is about nineteen seconds from using the Scrabble-tile method to pick a family name.
v accidentally drank every single goldentonic on the market at the same time, and our current fruit shortage is because they tried to fix that but thei…
Curses! Not, like, those regular karma curses, or the extra spicy god curses, but, like curses. They're everywhere. Stuff just gets broken around me a lot because of the curses, and I keep finding myself standing next to or in front of Angry …
Was a lot of 'fun' being in the middle of that trying not to think very inappropriate things about the very pretty gods and wondering who this strange bugge was. I wish I'd thought to actually log it, but most of Khnemu's thoughts ran along the line…
The vicious eyes of a nearby skylantern seems to glow as it looks at you. When you look towards it, though, it appears no different than before, leaving an unsettling sense of fear in your stoma…