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  • (Quote) I can see that frustrations are running high around here (and I still lurk your forums from time to time).  Honestly it looks like your rules and mechanics may not be giving non-coms (or really, anyone who doesn't want to be gan…
  • (Quote)
    I don't know or care about the particular person, of course, but I am interested to know about the general dynamic.  So, sometimes, it can actually be really effective to do just this - be a bit "scary", maybe even be…
  • (Quote) I'd mentioned sometime back that I'd be really interested in Lusternia if I didn't have to go grind as punishment for being a "bad" at combat (which I certainly am, but I love PK).  Even more so than someone like me, though, you…
  • (Quote) Curious.  I like the idea as a general principle, but does it ever actually work?  From the outside, it seems almost impossible that it would work (no matter how much I'd like it to).  
  • Imperian seems to have pretty much killed city raiding, which, while it is probably "sad" in one sense, seems to be for the best.  The biggest problem with raiding is that it's by nature far more opt-in for the raiders than it is for the people bein…
  • Unfortunately we can't do this in the real world (it would be handy for people we don't know, or don't know well) but could they let people customise a pronoun?  That way I can always just honours people as usual and I know what pronoun they want me…
  • Hrm, hitting "answer" actually screws the thread up :P  Tempted to undo it.
  • Yeah, it's been a bit quiet, but mostly there were enough people to answer questions, and people seemed very matter of fact (in the best, down to earth sort of way).  I've met a couple of other interesting/helpful people from other orgs, so of cours…
  • These are all great.  Once I get a few more, I'll start hitting the "answered" buttons.  Don't want to accidentally scare away replies (but of course more answers would be welcome even after).  
  • Thanks.  Expense probably isn't a big deal, and I can buy Vadi's, but even with both of those things, if you're not pretty good at coding and mastering complex offense strategies, you just really don't want to wade in and pick a class that revels in…