I had a lot of fun writing the articles, and it was sheer luck that the ONE card battle I engaged in gave Tremula the information needed to recruit me (Sylandra was right all along about how risky those spellcards were). There was a lot of crazy luc…
I don't blame you! But actions are resolved in the order received, and votes are very much an action. Just because Kira hasn't resolved everything yet doesn't mean that an unvote will wipe away the previous vote
If we're screwed by cooldown confusion, then I'm going to point to the fact that Luce has Vote Ushaara in bold in one of his posts (context notwithstanding), and with Ushaara voting for himself that's the necessary 4
Also, on the topic of full disclosure, I was lying about the specifics of my power. I always had the risk of false positives, got the results immediately, and had no obligation to first report it on the newspaper. I just never knew what was true or …
I was recruited the second night by Tremula, the Buddhist godfather. Luce also joined that night since Tamashi was gone. We later picked up Falmiis the night before he croaked.
It would suck horribly. That said, I do think it's an every other day situation... Use it once, then wait the rest of that day and the following for a reset. That's the reading I got off of my own 2-day cooldown card anyway.
I've explained the nature of my power multiple times now, but if I both track and watch in the same evening, boring results (I.e. results that would say the target did nothing or were not visited by anybody) become false positives.
... Yes. And he would rightly say that you blocked him, he would give a target he had tried to vote bomb, and we would have been just as suspicious. I'm not exactly sure what your argument here is.
Awesome. @Luce... If/when the challenge comes, you'll wager ability or I will be the first in line to murder you myself and tomorrow's Bunbunmaru will have very unki…
Poetry translation, courtesy of the laureate: I saw Lehki visit Vivet, I saw Synkarin visit me, I wanted a third poem to round it out and chose Reimu. Keep in mind the nature of my power, however.
Given the information we currently have, I'm more inclined to lynch Synkarin. Luce has been a suspect for a long time and subsequently has been blocked, tracked, or otherwise investigated with little to show for it. Also, i'm not exactly sure where …
He had been on my shortlist of suspects (along with Ushaara and Lehki), but after discussion the vote train started with Ushaara and was followed by Lehki, me, and Synkarin, in that order
Remember, Vivet, if I use my power to both track and watch in the same night, I never get a boring result. So if nothing happens, I get a false positive.