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  • There is no simple solution with a game that has a player-driven economy.

    -Gold sink vendors (Vendor that sells tonics, lips, and other non-pvp/utility artifacts, or similar things)

    -Cosmetic manse artifacts for gold

    in Goldflation Comment by Kurut August 2016
  • You are an enemy of the Free Collective of Glomdoring.
    You were enemied on 10th Tzarin 398.
    You were enemied by Cyndell.
    The reason for your enemying: 'Violation of the fae and creation of an abomination.'
  • (Quote) Try CONFIG POWERSTONES ON. It's an amazing option, and it keeps you from accidentally draining your reserves on anything that can be done with a powerstone.
  • This forum post is too important to be buried during this time of year.

    If you are feeling alone, helpless, or any other feeling where suicide seems anything less than a terrible idea, please call the number below.

    1 …
  • Kurut had one wife, and one kid. No one has seen them in ages. Might be a viable strategy to get rid of the Soulless Gods.

    Just sayin'.
  • Honestly, no amount of money would be enough for me to go through the horror of coding a complete curing system for the html5 client. My advice is to influence until you can use a different client. Mine bogs down slightly already, and I don't even h…
  • (Quote) This is assuming they have the forethought to know that fae knights exist. Fae knights rarely wander to the archways that lead to etherseren/etherglom. The newbie could run into three or more fae before seeing a knight.
  • The introduction heavily stresses that you PROBE everything. When you probe fae, you see the list of nouns and fae is among them. The tasks for newbies also state 'fae'. While some, or maybe even most, newbies will go and use pooka or pigwidgeon or …
  • Let me make this very simple. I will go step my step.

    I have 7 weighted bonus to empower.

    I am trans influence, which means I have access to all influence attacks for each type.

  • @Xenthos I didn't mean to berate everyone who bashes/influences by noun, I was just trying to explain in some meaningful way that their vehement opposition to str…
  • @Riluna, the afk influencers/bashers don't care/need for things to be more convenient. They're going to do what they do no matter what the targeting nouns are. Mea…
  • If using ZMUD, CMUD, MUSHclient or any of various other clients without GMCP support, you could still code to target by number fairly easily. (Unless you're on Telnet, then you're on your own)

    GMCP just makes that process much e…
  • (Quote) "I can't code" is the exact same argument that got astralbeast added. If they could code, they would have used GMCP to target by number, not by generic noun. Then nobody would have lost their mounts during astral bashes.
  • We can continue to be condescending, that's fine.

    Let's assume you're using a client you aren't intimately familiar with. This client uses a language you've never had to use. Suddenly the simplest of functions is a fun explorati…
  • I suppose I worded it wrong, as I often do lately. Most of the people here have complex auto bashers/influencers, some even with area walkers and a curing system on top of it. I've already adjusted my targeting accordingly, over the course of a few …
  • Convenience in syntax != RP. :|

    Would also prevent unnecessary shattered egoes for those newbies who DO use the 'f…
  • (Quote) Requiring people to have/get/make GMCP targeting systems for influencing doesn't really have anything to do with RP, especially when it's one of a few viable ways for newbies and noncoms to earn power. in Simple Ideas Comment by Kurut December 2015
  • I hate to doublepost, but in the light of the (somewhat) recent targeting changes for mobs (astralbeast, etc...), maybe we could have a special noun to distinguish regular fae and fae knights on faethorn.

    Maybe wildfae for fae, …
  • I could really use the ability to export individual packages on the web client, that way I could share useful things with other people who use it.

    As is, I can only export everything on my profile, which means I have to make a n…
  • Simple idea: Increase max bet on roulette wheel to 500k.

    Everyone has masses of gold, may as well let them lose it gambling.
  • Make SCENT not clear your pose. I would love that so much.
  • Here's an idea that would be amazing.

    Have free reincarnations and dagger of reincarnation not require someone to kill you before you can reincarnate.

    Maybe have a neat animation where you plunge the d…
  • Add a little touch of realism to mugwumps. 50% reduced asphyxiation damage passive. 50% increased asphyxiation damage if afflicted with slickness.

    Likely an absolutely horrible idea. >.>
  • I... very much enjoy frogs. They are adorable little digestive systems that just so happen to have legs attached. They have big, wide mouths and the cutest eyes, and their toes! Oh my, the toes. They're soft and squishy and grippy and wiggly and so …
  • (Quote)
    @Yarou, Nexus client isn't the greatest thing for Lusternia, but you can certainly make it work. There are a few gmcp guides floatin…
  • I would be extremely proud if I designed a giant doomsday device and it made it into the game. I mean... c'mon, even if it is something truly horrible, it's really cool.

    But no one can know. Ever. Secret forever. No loose lips.<…
  • "Design Me a weapon"

    *designes a huge weapon*

    "Kay, I built the thing. Go test it out on that mountain in this tiny place we call the Basin of Life"

    *blows up thing, just to see what the shiny button does*<…
  • (Quote) I'm on my own computer? You can see when other people rub curios, and a thousand lines of text instantly was too much for my crappy computer.
  • Not sure how big the buffer on Nexus Client is, but @Chirbo just rubbed enough curios to quadruple its capacity, or more, I can't tell. Instantly. Everything crash…
  • (Quote) I should let you visit Kurut's flower garden some time. Flowers aren't always sunshine and rainbows!