Not really a superstition, I don't think, but Lief believes Maylea is always 100% with her literally. Maybe not in a way that she can understand as a mortal, but she believes if she were ever in _real_ danger, Maylea would pop out fully and nope the…
I seriously loved this idea when Lendren brought it to Lief's attention, and I'm glad you followed through and are going through the rite. It's such a good idea, and so meaningful, and now I'm super curious about what the seed will grow into!
Maylea has utterly blessed us with new demigod enters/exits and choice look messages for the order. They're all so *perfect*, and I changed all of mine immediately!
Besides Maylea herself, these rites are my absolute favorite thing about playing a character in her order. It's such a great opportunity to learn more about the character in the hot seat, potentially help the character discover things about themselv…
Lief's first letter was sparked by "Zitto keeps saying he is a disappointment to his grandfather, but I've met Daraius! Surely he is exaggerating."
I'm glad you had a heads up. That degree of disappointment was delicious…
Highlight for me was Ilistala chirping at Gurashi like she was trying to say the same thing the songbird said. Everything else is amazing in this story too, but that was such a sweet little touch in Gurashi's fear and worry.
I love both the Hallifax and Glomdoring drafts above. They both definitely speak to the personality and role of their orgs - both of which I think were hit right on the head with Magnagora and Celest.
in Nexus Explanations of OrgsComment by LiefAugust 2020
As long as they aren't grimy wondercrystals, they can definitely be given as a prize!
I agree, and I think that's what was meant in the original by ensuring it's not the Last Forest! That's definitely why I was keen to keep it in there.
If we're brainstorming, here's my quick stab at one for Serenwilde - I really like the last line of the original new one, and think it works really well if Glomdoring gets an update, too.
They say the veil is thin in the Serenwilde Forest…