Unless that was said outside of the logs, it doesn't sound like the kid was saying she didn't have to listen. At six weeks in, this crap's confusing. A simple "Hey kiddo, don't worry. We're gonna feast on the innards of our e…
When it comes to newbies, you don't give them retarded silliness. You teach them how to avoid it. Maybe this person doesn't know that much about the Glomdoring quite yet? This would be the perfect time to strike up some prett…
I'm not sure if this means you're cray cray or a damn good envoy, but either way, I'm sure we are all appreciative of your efforts, even if not everyone would say it
in Tweets V: Tweet and TowerComment by LiokMarch 2013
Can't decide if I wanna stay Geomancer or switch to Nihilist. I miss it so bad
I can't decide! I love being Aslaran because meow, but the stats and xp boost from being Human just seem so tasty
in Tweets V: Tweet and TowerComment by LiokMarch 2013
Been thinking of changing my race for the past week or so.