You can roleplay absolutely anything you want, and that's your choice (or burden, depending.) You're 100% responsible for the character you've created, so if you have zero interest (or don't enjoy) being a zealous defender of t…
The goody bags are decent now, and it's not like the admin was obligated to provide dingbats for credits like they did. However, it's always frustrating to miss out on something like this. The wheel and presents aren't new, it shouldn't come as a su…
Warrior is all about your mental state. if you want to win solo fights, you're gonna have a bad time. Forget those are a thing and configure yourself for groups, where you mindlessly whack people with boring yet effective low level afflictions and o…
I feel like pureblade might have good group potential if your allies do bleeding, but otherwise it struggles with balancing the wound and bleed mechanics. The only strategy I could see was building up some wounds, going for pinleg, pinarm, and ruptu…
Bards all function very similarly, despite having different mechanics/song effects. In groups you want to use a lot of blanknote/blankchord, perfectfifth, hangedman, aeon, lust/empress, scissorflip, etc. It's also really useful to have a song timer …