Just a quick post to echo/comment on some of the neat ideas. I definitely like the idea of a seal that levels up with your house's investment. That can be worked into SO MANY TAILORING/FORGING/ARTISAN designs.
I am going to lead with "I know this would be a lot of work, but" would putting the Death trials in a new, instanced area each year be feasible? New so that it's not a question of whose autowalker has the best path laid out, instanced so that i…
Were you around then? Do you remember how many players we lost in the days and weeks after this was announced? How long it took to organize everything? And how many more we lost shortly after the actual shrinking? I was very nearly one…
The biggest counter-argument for this is that for every character willing and able to relocate, there's at least one who isn't. Closing any of the six orgs we have is going to result in a hit to the game's population that the game might not be …
This one might be more for the IRE team than Lusternia specifically, but if races are added back to the intro, some way to have the newbie prompted to do a self description with a command that shows them 2-3 descriptions from players or NPCs who are…
Bloom is a Mudlet system, by the by, and its author also has a basic combat tracking system that's not awful (ILU Llani.) but it's for tracking levelled affs stuck on you, like burns, cloudcoils, deathmarks, that kind of thing. Like people said, the…
A thought occurs to me: would a mandatory cooldown period between alliances encourage shuffling? Like, on years that end in 0 the alliances all dissolve, and the Hall of Records starts an audit that lasts 6 months, during which time they refuse to a…
Slightly damp and worse for wear, the poster has been secured with what appears to be sticky algae and depicts a striking nereid. The depiction is artful, with clear lines of…
I've had a good pair of hours yield nearly a million gold if I time it so that I can get wonderpie turnins on two or three rounds of Illithoid. I did not, in fact, see my second comma in Luce's funds until I stopped trying …
So, for the record, BLOOM ALIAS is for adding aliases of things you are going to attack, so that, for example, if you're in the gray moors, you could do BLOOM ALIAS KROKANI ADD so that instead of targeting the krokani by their ID, it'll use the…
For my general writing style, I've got a bit of GRRM, Tolkein, Jordan, and Sanderson in there, but lately an embarrassing amount of my writing style has been corrupted by Jim Butcher's Dresden Files
in Lusternian AMAComment by LuceApril 2022
Lisaera said:
1. There's a room in the Shevat homestead that's basically a porch looking out over the underside of Hallifax. Luce uses it as his pondering spot sometimes. 2. Let's go with nutmeg. Usuall…
It's near the end of the movie. Everything seems hopeless, and the bad guys are about to win. All is lost. Suddenly, Your theme music comes up, and the audience knows. It's time for Your Big Damn Hero Moment.
Only just realized how new this is, but LINK <node/nexus> <#> is baseline now, and will automagically unlink you from the thing after a given number of links! Wonderpie is underappreciated, in my opinion. The third power doub…
1. I've always had a soft spot for a few NPCs, but as far as a favorite, I'm probably going to go with Carleon. The whole area is hammy as heck, which makes sense since it's all a puppet show, but he's somehow both ham and strai…
I actually brought up FFXIV to a friend (F'Nolla Wiloh on Mateus, hi how are you) while trying to explain some of the issues with Lusternia's economy, and I feel like the numbers difference really does matter a lot here. Crafters having an NPC …
I don't think forced guild participation is a good idea at all. Yes it's unfortunate that guild populations are very feast or famine, and yes, it's unfortunate that there's a pool of people that opt out of guilds entirely, but tying mechanical benef…
The bigger concern though is that without those numbers we're left to our imagination, and dealing with trying to conceptualize a lot of other moving pieces, AND having to swallow a particularly bitter pill in the active trades limitations. We'…
I feel like this might be a case of quest and turn-in gold needing a look-over, and also of needing to make sure most mobs have a turn-in. This will make avaricehorn useless, but I don't remember seeing Tinkering in the other thread at all,…
I could have sworn a lot of those items were in the shop in Janury. Like the glamrock, the heart-shaped specs, and the heart-shaped clip board/ledger thing.
To post to people willing to listen, I'm going to be on the record as vehemently opposed to any solution that boils down to "Winner takes all, loser pisses off" because we have a lot of those already, and they tend to create feedback loops wher…