Lyssy was fighting the unity. Then when it made he stronger better faster her mind latched onto an idea of "hey, this can serve the Wyrd.... this is a Good Thing
Well, we can't log in for it now... so..100 shots each of white rum, spiced rum, dark rum..... and that funky looking cotton candy vodka (For air)
Maybe it's possessed. Let's do a big ritual to get It back up. I think maybe we need to use salt ( For any ritual) a smudge stick ( to get rid of the evil internet gremlins) and Viagra, to get the server up
I'm having a little bit of trouble with my harvester. I'll do HRS, and it'll bring up a list of plants in the room, but then it'll say "finished harvesting" without even taking a single plant. I've checed to make sure that they're not all plants I …