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  • (Quote) Don't feel inadequate! You were great! :)
  • (Quote) Auron's my favorite thing about X.

    EDIT: Okay, him and the heart-wrenching ending.
  • I thought VIII's story unraveled completely after the first disc; even beyond the super lame and ridiculous 'twist,' I thought it was really bad and silly and vague/not very compelling after that. The battle system felt a bit more tedious to me, too…
  • What does the affliction 'relapsing' do? Also, WHATCURES still has it as cured by eating yarrow. Is that the case?

    EDIT: Answered IG.
  • Is there a way to effectively 'sheathe' shields and orclach whips or am I doing the right thing in wielding and unwielding them?
  • What are the landing/takeoff/etc. messages given by the aethergear of flying when attached to armour? I'm debating getting them instead of wings, but I'm not sure I want to if they're super high-tech seeming.
  • (Quote) I meant comparatively more than people sitting on turrets and collectors.
  • Also! Falcata as a noun for Blademaster weapons. I'd be eternally grateful :smiley:
  • Currently, the slivvener on an aetherhunt puts in more effort than many other crewmembers but gains less XP as a result. A portable slivvening module of some kind would be nice in Simple Ideas Comment by Neftarys November 2016
  • Scale and chainmail masterarmour.
  • (Quote) GHELP and CHELP and all the helps ever being available this way would be nice, too, since I don't -think- they are.
  • (Quote) Can we please have this? :open_mouth:
  • CYAN TEXT IN EMOTES :open_mouth:

    Thank you so much, whoever did that! Oh man, having that in Lusternia makes me…
  • There are some characters I've played that have come alive just based on an imagined mood or voice in my head.

    Most of them, though, I've made up to various degrees elaborate RP backgrounds for, and personally, I find that really helps me…
  • Make it possible to empower scale jackets and chainmail shirts as Masterarmour, given that both are otherwise equal to plate in terms of function.
  • (Quote) I can't imagine putting saytext in emotes would be too resource intensive, in the scheme of things, and I think it would be a *huge* improvement. Sure, it'd take some effort. That said, I don't *really* know what I'm talking abo…
  • I dunno if I'm gonna get chewed out for necro-posting, but the creator of this thread took some heat for NOT posting in an old thread instead, so whatever.

    This should happen. Lusternia has such fantastic lore and conflict mechanics, but …
  • (Quote) So I hear. But I was told you can get its benefits while wearing a leather vest over it, and using said vest to attach a... I forget what - a knot? - but something that gives you situational damage resistance of some kind.
  • (Quote) Yeah, but then I wouldn't be able to take advantage of the leather vest perks over my tattoos in PVP :/
  • I was told I wouldn't be able to wear any kind of armour, including a leather vest, over my tunic. I would like it to be possible to wear one over my tunic, and don't see why I shouldn't be able to. I want to be faeling Han Solo.