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  • I know it's a little late, but man it's funny listening to Celina talk about anything related to balance.
  • I... Don't...? Wha...?

    That weird feeling you get when someone thinks your IC hate for IC things happening to IC people and things is against someone OOCly.
  • Not my fault she came out of nowhere, changed all of my friends into jerks, and replaced Kalikai as Templar patron while I was GA without me being consulted, all in the span of not even six hours.
  • I think I'm going to break my fingers, crossing them so hard. But I have to beat down that little voice somehow. Let me enjoy Mysrai being deleted while I still can, Mr. Voice of Reason.

  • (Quote)
  • (Quote) Catch up, dearie, we've already covered the part where the ur'Guard outdate Mag and are only in it now because it provides undeath. We're discussing how to hold guild identities in a coalition-y playing field, now.
  • (Quote) The ur'Guard loyalty comes from the sense of belonging to a military structure, and our dedication to each other/Urlach. There's nothing about only undead warriors, and myself and at least a few others have actually already trie…
  • (Quote) Yes, thank you, I was actually about to edit that myself. I was reading the Symphonium file and forgot that it was released way after the other bards XD

  • (Quote) You bring up a point that I actually have to acknowledge. No, the ur'Guard *guild* itself is not necessarily the oldest of the guilds. But it is one of the original nine, which automatically puts it at older than the bard …
  • I feel I should point people to a post a made a few pages ago on here: I said there are two options, to drop bards/monk and relax classflex, which I base on lore and identity, or to make a new set of things from all four/five guilds each, which has …
  • The ur'Guard: Founded by Urlach in the days before any of the modern orgs existed. Live in Shallach, Cankermore, Magnagora. Are tied quite heavily to the Inner Sea, Undervault, and Catacombs by way of the Horn of Urlach, the Throne of Urlach, and th…
  • (Quote) We have an ascendant who stayed and kept his name and justified the work put into him, we're fine with just having Akyaevin, perhaps a cult of him.
  • @Xenthos Xynthin. That is the entirety of all needed argument.
  • Sillier than getting Ascendant removed?

    But back on topic, no, I haven't been in those guilds, because they don't have any identity or lore that jumps out at me and screams "YES!"

    in Guild Overhaul Comment by Nilofer December 2015
  • (Quote) I can absolutely say that the ur'Guard has more lore than all 6 bard and all four monk guilds combined, though.
  • (Quote) Evolving into something better: Yes. The warrior/mage/guardian/druid/wiccan guilds being able to take in the people/what little lore there is of the bard/monk guilds, and growing into something else. Off the top of my head, for …
  • Then every warrior/mage/guardian/druid/wiccan guild is an inextricable part of the lore and RP of the game, and it'll end up just being those five classes' guilds in the new thing. Which, as has been said a few times already, just means drop bard/mo…
  • @Qistrel The ur'Guard are the military of Magnagora these days, too. Basically in the coalition world, yes, in Guild Overhaul Comment by Nilofer December 2015
  • I think at some level we all do have to tilt our heads a bit and realize that the majority of the RP for any city, except maybe Hallifax and Gaudi I guess, consists pretty much entirely of 1) their mages/druids/wiccans 2) their guardians/wiccans/dru…
  • (Quote)
  • (Quote) The best solution would be sorta what Kalaneya said, putting some sub-groups into the mess of an amalgamated guild system. Perhaps a little faction type thing in the mess where people can identify with a common theme... An…

  • (Quote) Let's not forget the spreading out that happened from Gaudiguch and Hallifax. Although initial knee-jerking done, I will now state that I will be mollified if there's a way to preserve the sole RP identity some people have…
  • I feel it is my civic duty to point out that this is quite possibly the stupidest idea possible, unless you are planning on removing the cities.