oh thats not a bad idea at all actually! lots of other things that need to be fixed too... but that would definitely be a big help. yeah alot of little fixes would go a long way but as in Great Houses & Losing All HonourComment by NyxxJanuary 2016
and one more reason why the family system is EXTREMELY FLAWED and needs a -major- overhaul!
You can deny that one all you want and I really don't care. you werent actually online last night when Davos was arguing with us about how "we don't understand because we don't have to deal with the outcomes of 50+ people yellin…
"You dont play nice with us andfollow the rp of what we wanna do in hallifax and we'll make sure you arebt a part of hallifax anymore"
that is NOT fun, especially when half the city agrees that we should be following the divines command …
Nah that isnt the part that ruins the fun of the event. The part that ruins the fun is the power trips and people going "if you do what they say we'll kick you out of hallifax without a second thought!" …
Lmao well Arcanis you cant ALWAYS be the one everyone has a hate-on for! Gotta shake it up every now and then. ;-) also im not very good with words/debates. Kira explained it more efficiently than I…
As for you @Shaddus was it not you who was recently complaining abouy people in the serenwilde council doing things you dont want them to do because leaders are e…
Cant contest a ministry. Its appointed. And i still think using ooc reasons to not go along with something and then say you're gunna kick people out for it is also stupid. And ya that does the ruin the f…
You realize that when the admins do stuff like this they are usually trying to do something FOR us? Whether it be giving us a new city new guild hell maybe this dreaming os where ackleberry has severed itself too! (Doubt it but the point remains) m…
No. That isnt the problem. Nor am i going to elaborate any further on what the problem is because its entirely pointless. Weve all already been arguing about it for hours icly rather than getting shit done and …