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  • Those are all pretty excellent points.

    My only contention would be that the summary of Seren's problems weren't my own presumptions so much as what was described to me by those within the Org at this time. I accept that even that may be a…
  • I never told anyone they were roleplaying 'wrong' and got along rather amiably with two inductors, the ones I believed myself to be working with, and in the exact fashion I intended to present myself. I would further believe that my actions being cl…
  • I appreciate your lack of meaningful discourse in this conversation, honey :)
  • I suppose that's fair. 

    I'll take into account who's giving those explanations as well.

    Sorry to bother folks :)
  • I disagree wholeheartedly about whether or not Serenwilde needs more discussion internally about a path forward, and I personally feel that this blockade is composed much more of people who disagree with the opinion voiced rather than the way it was…
  • Ok. I'm going to shift this discussion a bit so bear with me.

    I'm noting that a few of you have openly given my post the tl;dr treatment, which I get because it's a bit lengthy, which is obviously fine so long as you …
  • I understand that RP has consequences, but I mean if asking a couple of questions is all it takes to get everyone in a tizzy I don't know what to say. That's really what it was at the end of the day.

    You're letting me just stand here? Nob…
  • The Roleplay is not understanding why they weren't suspicious in the slightest, and questioning that seemingly new facet to the commune. It was apparent from the moment I got there, literally the first lines of roleplay, that I wanted to join.
  • I'm not following. Serenwilde seems to have done... what? That's what I'm getting at. It's weird, right, that some random nobody is looked into so hard about joining for no visible reason? Why was the leadership so involved in my coming in, in the f…