Going to be gone a bit longer then planned. Had another hospital emergency. Almost bled to death. Sorry, I'll be back when I'm able to focus on gaming stuff. This has been a difficult month.
So, I'm not sure where to put this, but I'm sorry if I've been a bit away for the last few days. I broke up with my boyfriend of 3+ years and I'm trying to not let myself bleed all over the place, particularly into my character. I just don't want pe…
@Daraius I'm not sure. I've never done commissions before because I know that I can't always live up to the time needed to suit the person's wants. Still, I …
Sorry about the double post but I decided to finally break in the new tablet after years of not having one. Decided to doodle up a quick Oueli face while watching Luke Cage beat people up on the telly. I officially am the worst at drawing braids.
Not only have I been broken into and lost all my electronics over two times to robbers, but I've also been informed that I need to start looking for a new job because my job will soon be obsolete.
Second time in three weeks. They took the rest of our electronics, all my jewelry, smashed our safe open and left all our important documents out in the rain, and then some.
Now that the joke is done, I wouldn't mind a Wondercharm bracelet. I can imagine that the charms might be customizable depending on what deities your city/commune align with but would have the same benefits. Only the rmotes might change when us…
Nora thinks that is an excellent idea and believes that everyone should have fancy rats so she can have more friends. in Pet Pics!Comment by OueliOctober 2016
This is Feora, the most obnoxious adorable kitty in the world.
Alright, I goofed and got upset yesterday and vented on the forum. Can y'all quit the msgs and little comments at me, please? I'm generally dissatisfied that a vent that I tried to remove has turned into so many comments aimed at me oocly. Thank you…
Sorry guys, I accidentally posted in the wrong thread thinking this was a rant thread. My bad! I guess it's just a matter of what 'we're used to' vs 'what you're used to'. So far I've been hearing that things need to be planned out OOC and that real…
My ID and debit card were stolen two weeks ago. My apartment got broken into last week and they took our consoles. I called for new cards and was told that they saw activity on my account but the new person never actually ordered a new car…
Is there a general list or more easy way to see what curios, artifacts, and ect are available? I got the Healing Regeneration rune and a few other things that I literally cannot find in the help scrolls so I'm not even sure what % of resistance/rege…