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  • I might poke my nose in.
  • Most of my time is being taken up playing Wildstar >_>

    @Tarkenton what server are you on?
  • Valerian tea should help knock you out. It smells like dirty feet, but it does wonders.
  • Never mind
  • So now I'm lazy because I'd rather spend that hour of my time doing something other than something I don't like? Gotcha.

    Edit: I don't speak for anybody else, but I know that my time is limited, and if given a choice between spe…
  • (Quote) Except I'm not asking for anything like that. Everybody kept saying that "nothing would change if we removed xp loss for dying while defending" and I just chimed in to say that, yes, some things would change. And then I got told…
  • I don't understand how it's selfish of me to want to have fun?
  • (Quote) This is a game, one that I play, primarily because I want to have fun.
    I don't find bashing fun. I don't find influencing fun.
    I especially don't like watching the essence that I have so carefully hoarded, doing th…
  • I would defend, (as somebody who doesn't combat at all) if there was no xp loss.

    Just sayin.
  • (Quote) please don't perpetuate that here.
    Lillie were not forced, she was given a choice
  • (Quote) I think this comes down to what the purpose of forming a covenant is. And the beautiful part of the covenant system, I think, is in defining that purpose on a case by case basis.

    It can serve as a way to mak…
  • (Quote) I think you misunderstand me. I'm not saying that guilds can't choose to find common ground and forge a closer relationship: that is not at all what I was saying. That could be something that is RPd out, for certain, but I was s…
  • I can see where you are coming from, @Altrea, but you also exist in the unique space that the Illuminati and Templars have established RP that makes sense for the …
  • (Quote) I can't exactly speak for the other organizations, but I know that myself, and at least a few other people would prefer to see Serenwilde referred to as the True Forest or something along those lines. I personally, am not the gr…
    in Simple Ideas Comment by Parua June 2014
  • (Quote) Except that's a line or two that, again, every other city and commune would also like. So I must repeat myself: if Glomdoring gets it, everybody else should get it too.
    in Simple Ideas Comment by Parua June 2014
  • (Quote) I think just about every city and commune has an issue with the way the cities and forests are being presented in the newbie introduction. If Glomdoring gets a rewrite, everybody else should get one, too.
    in Simple Ideas Comment by Parua June 2014
  • (Quote) A little, yeah. But I mean, not to the point that I'm gonna complain about it. But since you are asking, yes.
  • I wonder if there's a way to change the way the aethers work. So instead of being able to see each other talking on the regular aether, you'd do GCT (guild covenant talk) and have it be a separate channel.

    I will admit, I don't …
  • Guilds still: have their own separate guild halls, have separate guild scrolls (only the covenant scrolls would be shared) GTS and news boards separate, higher tier advancement still separate, have separate purposes, and have separate leadership. Th…
  • Personally, I would love to see more to do with Bull, and perhaps a small handful of other Nature spirits, (maybe some of the lesser ones in the Totems skillset that don't get a whole lot of love, or others altogether that can be unique to Shofangi …
  • @Nihta

    I don't think anybody is suggesting that both guilds have access to -all- the scrolls of their covenant guild. Just certain scrolls tagg…
  • Just to echo and support what has already been said:

    1) allow sharing of certain files across the covenant
    2) favors carry the same weight across the covenant
    3) read logs of your covenant guild
  • I feel like you should be able to put power back into your nexus from your reserves with energy link
  • (Quote) I like the enemy one, but not the ally. Just because you belong to a city that has a treaty with another org, does not and should not remove outstanding statuses for offenses you personally perpetrated.
  • (Quote) I would actually argue it the other way around. Tauren society is much more like Serenwilde than anything in mag/glom/gaudi
  • @Daraius

    I just wanted to come play with the shibe
  • image
    This is sort of how I imagine Lucidian look.
  • I've never seen a mugwump with a tail before. Interesting.
  • boo!
    /forum RP