I have 6 permanent characters, but even back when I still had the energy to spend most of my day on Lusternia, I'd only be active as up to two at a time. I rotate around depending on what org I'm feeling into at the moment.
Seems super obvious if you already know the commands, but RN for reading the news you haven't seen yet, and RM for reading messages starting from the last number you've checked, plus RMU for only unreads, in case you've read one out of order. <…
Normally my family rotates babysitting my niece around so no one is stuck doing it too many days in a row. But circumstances have left me as the only one able to do it for a little while, unfortunately at the same time that I've been adjusting to ne…
Bringing this over from tweets to here, and also another suggestion to tweak an existing artifact: the zimoru syringe, as it stands, is wholly unappealing to me because you can only use it once per IG month. This completely misses the …
Yeah, trust me, zimoru is kind of My Thing. The chemset is amazing for people like me who are maybe a little too into beasts and zimoru, because it's so much easier to keep track of feed influence on different beast parts and recogniz…
There should be like, a save-state artifact, "A Beastmaster's Mirror" or something, where you can save a beast's look and revert it back to that appearance if your zimoru spree screws it all up. Losewings emoticon here.
I made a mistake. I zimoru'd the bird because I was weirded out by the dog head and I figured I might find something cooler if I kept going. But then it kept having heads of different animals that were even less appealing and I was filled with regre…
I am also in favor of changing the emote to the less objectionable meaning of grope. I have nothing against people groping each other in a lewd way in privacy with their own words, but I absolutely agree that our predefined emotes should not be anyt…
Sort of frowning sadly at my amazing whip that has served me faithfully for years, now. I liked the idea of these gnomish weapons better when they were a side-grade, not a straight up upgrade.
Oops, I accidentally conditioned myself to only go hunting while I'm listening to music. I took my headphones off because my neck hurts when I wear them for too long, and now I'm just shuffling about doing nothing productive in-game. in Tweets VIII: Knocks Me Off My TweetComment by PhoebusApril 2018
Would love to have a command that shows how close we are to the gold cap for the day.
1) How do I obtain blood? A couple aethershops actually sell it, so I know it can be gotten, but I don't know how to get it. 2) Magical salt isn't salty enough, apparently. Why does only regular salt…
I had the same problem, it was like "no password, click here to reset your password," but there was no link to click. I emailed support and they helped me out, I suggest you do the same!
Psychometabolism seems cool, but I've never actually used it, so I had to go with TK. Back in the day of racial stats, my ego was beast; my health, not so much. Forcefield 100% enabled me to bash hard-hitting enemies as a frail trill mage.