What if a citizen, shopping in their own city/commune shops, got an extra percentage off, above and beyond any existing discounts? That way even if both aethershop and normal shop had their prices at the bare minimum for cost, the normal shops would…
the merchant stall kit could be limited to the highways. that would keep them contained and easy to find. probably real exspensive but would be nice to get more shops out of the aetherplex
Is there a way to make various text editors spellcheck in britenglish over americanglish? I know when im writing a book it takes twice as long since i have to go back and add in 'u's all over.
At one time i had made a weasel/ferret furrikin in glom to try out monkishness. I know i eas torn since i hadnt seen any evidence of them and wasnt sure if they would be considered cute furry types. I was thinking of all the badguys from the redwall…
Update: still busted. New keyboard, same problem. It is the same on all IRE games; the standard number pad movement package does nothing, if i try and redo the keybinding it jus makes it so all instances of the number do it.
I've cobbled…
I was wondering if that might be the problem. I've tried it with both and it comes out the same. If I try it in Mudlet, it works, but it also comes out the same, with or without numlock. So I'm actually guessing that might be it. I think my next ste…
Yep, and it looks like it is set up correctly, it just isn't getting the right bits. When I use mudlet and make a similar keybinding, the key it links to is something like 'numpad + 1' or something, while in the web client it is just 1.