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  • ^ You kind of hit the nail right there.
    So the problem is not the game, bur rather me not realizing I am supposed to be a care-free Gaudi? hmmm
  • Our loss.
  • I'm afraid I am more likely to pick Aeromancers/Aquamancers/Pyromancers actually...
    Trying to figure out how they are faring after the entire overhaul thing. Sorry man... you rock, honest!, I'm just not into the bardic archtype...
  • Falmiis - I don't believe that sharing a general impression constitutes an all out accusation... that's -really- not what I was after. I wanted people to think, you know? and hear if others feel the same or not, etc...

    Shaddus- …
  • Yarou- damn it, I missed your post earlier, it's awesome :)
    OK OK, I GET where you're coming from... and yes, I admit to not having l…
  • I'm afraid that's all I have to give man... I don't believe in "shaming" any specific guild, especially since I feel it would be horribly patronizing of me- I haven't been a player for a good while now, who am I to start pointing fingers at specific…
  • Enyalida- I think we're saying the same thing. Gathering support before an elections usually means that connections and relationships were forged... on the background of things other than fulfilling advancement tasks... I don't think we're at contra…
  • Falmiis- a very well explained opinion, with valid reasoning behind it.
    You may be right in regards to degree of appeal, or you may not be... it is, at this point, a difference of what I feel are two very valid perspectives and opinions.
  • Shaddus: 
    Well, having played extensively in the past, getting to well above GR3 at several guilds, at another being the GA- I think I am entitled to voice said opinion- if your automatic response is a condescending remark…
  • see below