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Member, Administrator, Gods


  • The holiday season can be difficult for a lot of people for a lot of reasons. I hope everybody is handling it as best they can, especially in a year as unusual as this.

    That said, for reasons I won't go into, it's hitting me hard, so I'm …
  • (Quote) 1) The game world doesn't need to match up with real world facts. It has its own physics, its own energies and forces. Any comparison to the real world is generally a writing device to make things easier to understand.
    2) There's…
  • I'm going to be around for the next month, but I'll be a bit scarce. House guests next week, traveling in early December, and my mother has been diagnosed with stage four cancer so I don't know what's going on with that or if/when I'm going to need …
  • (Quote) 1) I treat them both the same really.

    2) My answer probably differs from most divine, because Raezon is very open to pretty much every org, but just pray. I will get to you when I'm able. I imagine most of us are like this …
  • I know I just got here, but I'm going to be gone between the 16th and the 24th of this month. I'll try to check in, look at prayers, and have Finrik be his perpetually annoyed self, but I can't promise anything.
  • (Quote) It was added as a result of one of my order members using ECHO to communicate with me privately during order rp. Their attempts confused me greatly and I didn't understand what they were doing until after the fact, and after talking w…
  • (Quote) Manchester. 
  • Speaking of Texas and Philly, I am visiting Philly this summer through the 17th of August when I go back to Dallas to pack my house, if you want to do something less organized while I'm here. I'm also trying to make it to DC on the 16th. After Sept.…
  • I am responding only to the original post.

    This situation (specifically the claim you are referring to) is not appropriate for the game at all. We don't regularly look into what people do privately, of course, but as soon as it …
  • I have to note that I think we retain the title of Most Attractive Game in IRE, btw.
  • I'm glad you all could come and enjoyed it! The yearly meets are always a lot of fun. Spread the word so we can get more people next year. :) in IronCon 2013 Comment by Raezon July 2013
  • Be prepared, its a cool 108F here currently.
  • Xenthos said:
    (Quote) Asking... How would conspiracy theories start, then?!
  • (Quote) I did only edit the title of the thread for the two words. I wouldn't have bothered if I realized it would mark the post as edited by me.
  • I think things are becoming a little overly dramatic, and we should leave the cult discussion from tweets. If you want to discuss improvements or changes to cults, you're welcome to create a new thread. I will have to just close it, though, if …
  • I understand that its a big loss, both on the part of the player and the god, and its clearly not something we go around doing to be mean or take lightly. That said, cults were expressly designed to function as part of an order, and their (and the o…
  • (Quote) Disbanding an order has happened multiple times during the course of Lusternia's existence. Some individual gods have done it multiple times, even. Avatars/cults, being parts of the order, are necessarily nullified with the orde…
  • (Quote) We understood the possible impact on an order's ability to complete order quests, which is one reason we initially avoided increasing the reset timers. Something like what I've quoted above is something which could be worked out…
  • Gold output is something you can still discuss, if you want. Is the problem that they give too much or that it encourages raiding?

    I don't have the smallest realm, but I don't think there's any lack of impetus for us to work on …
  • It is not a bug. The implementation had been put on hold while we discussed the concerns raised in this thread and other places.
  • This seems to be very similar to the previous thread on afflines and illusions. As Iosai said there, the suggested changes to automatically include skill and aff lines is a prohibitively time-intensive change. 

    We are also not g…
  • Auctions are often meant to limit the number of an item that is in the game (sometimes as the only item of its kind), unlike artifact sales. In these cases, the first idea wouldn't work, as we truly intend for there only to be 1 (or X) items of that…
  • It is referring to the mobs which you can influence for the blessing effects.
  • I had no time period in mind, its an open invitation depending on response. (Though, I will be leaving the state for somewhere new when I get my phd next spring, so it has to be before then.) 

    Some of you will see me in Las Vega…
    in Texas Comment by Raezon May 2013
  • (Quote) Some of us are more busy than others. I try to respond quickly, but I typically work 50-80 hours a week, and often forget shortly after I see a message that it exists, if I don't deal with it immediately (which isn't always poss…

  • (Quote) This is good advice. If you can't work something out with your patron, you can always email support. In the end, we're here to make the game more enjoyable for you, so I don't think its off the mark to send a message to yo…
  • I felt I needed to justify your like with something non-moderatey.
  • Let's get back to spreadsheets.

    Edit: For example, I will share that I have a very huge spreadsheet which keeps track of all the offerings made to me over the last 4-5 real life years, and does various updating and ranking from …
  • I am leaving this new thread open under the assumption, due to the claimed changes from how it was described to function in the previous thread, that it is not designed to directly violate our game rules regarding automation given it requires certai…
  • I'd like to clarify one last time that the admin (including Iosai) have never endorsed an auto-bashing script that removes the necessity of human interaction as being ok to use. Others have mentioned the challenges in determining without doubt that …