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  • I think I need to join the @Viravain chants here, or be left feeling awkward. I won't lie, the attention has been provoking me to try to be more active, as time …
  • An eery smile playing across its lips, a plush doll of Mother Night says, "The Wyrd had another god as its Champion, once. Do you remember? If not, ask Xenthos, for he knows of it all too well."

    Night really just wants us to troll him for…
  • (Quote) No way. Get Tunika to prepare a lovely cocktail for Ptoma that will taint her and drive her to fully enslave her minions. The keph hate is supposed to be as strong as the merian/elfen hate, right?

    Or undead. Undead bu…
    • Hunting with the old Ebonguard core, especially Hyrtakos, Ashteru, and Exeryte.
    • The invasion of cosmic serpents in the Ravenwood's nexus world.
    • Viravain's rebirth.
    • Being able to say my final goodbye to my mentor, afte…
  • Chatterbox: Crank the box and it will spit out six randomly selected says spoken within the last hour, back to back. Give it whatever limit is necessary to avoid being super spammy.

    I imagine this would have a chance to either be h…
  • Yeah, he still likes to randomly walk into the tattoo parlour, punch whoever's getting work done on them, and leave.
  • (Quote) Or the raiders will just be equally sad when Albion turns into the Raging Maeve right eye curio piece for the fifth time, when the only piece everyone needs is the Raging Maeve left foot.
  • Get with the program, people, the only reason anyone does anything these days is Curios.

    If you think Glomdoring is free with the enemy button, then rest assured it is only so we can laugh when you try to give boars to the yellow overseer…
  • ... that kid should become your next avatar.

    He's even wearing plaid.
  • (Quote) ... says the guy with every curio in existence.
  • Basically, the reason there are huge piles of herbs out there is because potion stock changes out pretty rapidly for the most common potions and they are used to help make restocking much easier. Anything that can be done to make it easier to just g…
  • There's a couple of solutions.

    1. Consider changing how herb picking works. If there are more herbs in the room, you will automatically pick more at once, since it is easier to find one that is suitable (or whatever argument you want to m…
  • Regardless of getting a new primary or not, I think expanding more in wicca as it currently exists would help. Right now wicca is just... pretty much all fae and fae related skills (channels, faereturn). Other than that, it's just broom and toadcurs…
  • I just had a moment of clarity, thinking over the endurance/willpower thread and trying to come up with ways to improve easing newbies into the game that require significantly less work.

    And I believe I just came up with one. And it's so …

  • (Quote) I'm thinking the cons will prevent it from being simpler, tbh, and will have to agree with Daedalion and Rivius. I'll also echo Liok here, in that I didn't really pay much attention to endurance and willpower until at leas…
  • (Quote) Sorry to disrupt the thread, but honestly, I think it kind of has to be this way.

    Lusternia is very good at keeping its upper crust busy with new things and preventing them from having too much chance to get bored. As…
  • They're each about as equally long, though! Eight characters vesus nine characters. That means something when you're drunk.
  • Turn it from a pedestal into a wall shelf, allow it to hold up to six dolls at once, and you have yourself a deal.
  • I've a character for each major org and a few extras splattered around.
  • (Quote)
    I think this sort of behaviour should be issuable (and possibly shrubbable). That would fix things pretty quick.
    in Snub Comment by Ragniliff February 2013
  • My only beef is that recently, the pets that have been getting this reaction trigger -every damn time-.

    When the option was first released, it was forced to have a cool-down, which negated the effect some what and reduced the spam.
  • While going through some old stuff I have saved, I found something I thought I should share: the world message and death line for Estarra's zap, which is quite rare these days.

    Trailing cosmic dust in its wake, a glittering hi…
  • Aurik says, "Appropriately enough, I'm practically teabagging a bearcub in front of its mother. Only my sheer audacity is saving me right now."

    Context is unnecessary.
  • Next time, you should recommend they checkout library book 8211.
  • They should probably just restore Prized to its original functionality, now that there are bubblixes and the aetherepic gives some wide access.

    That or strip its power costs entirely.
  • The other tradeskills should definitely not be buffed to be on par with splendours. If anything, the gap between splendours and greatrobes should probably change to bring it more in line with the rest of them, as previously suggested.
  • Too late! All gone. Damn you, addictive wheel spinning.
  • I was pretty surprised that there were no censers this time around.

    In regard to auction artifacts for gold, I think it'd be best to go with utility/fun types, or simply avoid anything for combat. The elemental rings might work, but I'd b…
  • That aside, I think if they're going to continue to wander into Magnagora/Hallifax, then they should get "attacked" by guards they encounter - the more guards in the room, the more quickly they die. That'd be a nice touch.
  • That and projects with funny names.