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  • A bag of Zoaka's special blend tells you, "Would you marry the mystery of life?"

    So..where does one find this?
  • >be me
    >be a newbie axelord
    >be training with guild admin, who is also an axelord
    >late at night, past bedtime. Playing anyway
    >working on weapon enhancement, get told enemies are coming
    >trying to help, fi…
  • I'm not mad at you at all! Fighting you helped me write a few highlights and make some keybindings :)
  • Martyr Yarith Shevat, M.TS, A.D.M.T.P says, "It takes Malarious, Synkarin, Cyndarin and Vladimere
    over two minutes to kill me."

    Martyr Yarith Shevat, M.TS, A.D.M.T.P says, "Good luck."

    Martyr Yarith Shevat, M.TS, A.D.M.T.…
  • My desktop. I've also tried putting it into My Documents and it still does the same.
    in m&mf Comment by Ratanu April 2016
  • 2) You moved the zip to your profile folder in mudlet

    This is the only one I haven't done, and it's because I saved it to my desktop.
    in m&mf Comment by Ratanu April 2016
  • windows 10 so far as I know.
    in m&mf Comment by Ratanu April 2016
  • It seems the allclasses version works, but the ur'guard one won't work.
    in m&mf Comment by Ratanu April 2016
  • (Quote) I've downloaded the file named ur.guard.m-mf.v9, installed it directly through the package manager. I'm running Mudlet 3.0.0 Delta. I've tried installing it while logged in and while not logged in, and it offers the same issue. …
    in m&mf Comment by Ratanu April 2016
  • I keep trying to install this, but it's giving me an error. After installing the package, it asks me to find the folder that the MM module is in. After I do, it gives me this:

    "module 'm&m' not found:
        no field…
    in m&mf Comment by Ratanu April 2016