@Kio- the thing is.. it shouldn't matter who does it first. Everyone SHOULD do something like this. The sad part is- no one really WANTS to do it because its exhau…
I'm not sure if much can be done on this front, unfortunately. No one wants to sit and write help files for weeks just to help novices. That's a second job (and for some, even a second or third!) and it's supposed to be …
That doesn't constitute the lack of novicehood at all. I went to a domoth on my first day in game simply because someone announced it and I said "oh.. okay."
That's like saying you're not a novice if you've ever gone…
Firstly, yes it is only just a game. If you're participating in something that leaves you open to PK, don't ever be surprised that you got killed.. Thats just basics.
There IS however a limit to what should be done. Just because someone…