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  • Regen runes are for worn jewelry. Damage resistance runes for worn clothing. Damage enhancement runes are for wielded weapons, including staves, swords, etc. They can also go on worn clothing since some players switch around weapons.
  • Regarding dwarves... I removed that alcohol thing when I did the new racial stuff, but I forgot to backport it into buffs/debuffs when we released without the new racial stuff. I'll restore that soon.
  • (Quote) Please message me in-game the exact line you see on BODYSCAN for the ego regen. Then I can look into it. Note that the health/mana for lucidians is outdoors in daytime. If it's night then that explains why you are not seeing tho…
  • (Quote) I'm not sure what that refers to, but I can say that armour and forging ought not to have changed with this. So whatever it did previously it should continue doing.
  • (Quote) There are a few -13 regen maluses like advanced stage skin rot. I don't recall music boxes offhand, but I don't think they ended up in that category.
  • (Quote) I should clarify this. Maluses are calculated independently of your buff, not before nor after. So you calculate your buffs and you calculate your maluses (as a negative). Add those two results and that's the outcome. What this …
  • (Quote) Tattoos count as armor. Ditto robes. We did not touch armor. All that still functions the same as before and applies its resists outside the X/Y buff system.
  • (Quote) Harmony of the body was capped at 8 but misreporting as 10 in the bodyscan results. I believe this is fixed. Message me if you still see otherwise.

  • (Quote) Runes ought not stack like that. They should apply returning and non-decay.
  • I updated puissance. When we rolled out two handed weapons some years back, I had to halve the puissance buff for two handers since it only modified the next attack, and a two handed attack was like two blows from a one handed weapons. I wanted the …
  • Sorry, I was thinking of the chemantic barks. Nature barkskin is supposed to be blunt and cutting. That is how it's currently coded in the new system and is what Estarra posted in the OP.
  • (Quote) Currently in the old system that is cutting only. Adding blunt would be changing its mechanic, something we're generally not doing unless there is a compelling reason.

  • We missed wildewood badger in the original post. I added that to Estarra's OP. It's a 4/4 universal damage resist.(Not adjusted for the proposal to increase the max to 10.) It still maintains the mechanic of "absorbing" the damage and then the badge…
  • (Quote) What if we expand the damage types it defends against? If we take that route, what types would you suggest? I'd rather find a way to make it work as a def before changing it to a buff. Any other suggestions to make it work as a def?
  • Crud, I accidentally deleted the wrong post of mine responding to the fireflies question. So for the record, I posted that fireflies weren't supposed to change (as noted above when I confirmed). I also noted something about how fireflies always prov…
  • I confirmed that the firelies was a mistake. My specifications document
    listed that it should have been a 2/5 magical damage resistance. I've corrected the code and edited Estarra's OP to reflect this.