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  • (Quote) I'm starting to notice that and it's actually bugging the hell out of me. In a certain other IRE if I look at the three guild skills I can almost immediately tell you one or two kill strategies. Those guild skills tend to supple…
  • Thanks @Asmodea, @Akyaevin!

    The Geochemantics theme s…
  • Quick question (I may be blind): What is the equivalent for staff in there? Is there one?
  • To expand upon what @Shaddus suggested:

    AB <skill> FULL -> gives you the full ab list, including the skills you do not yet have (col…
  • Guys... I want your artifact problems.
  • (Quote) Why would you bother using emotes for attack actions? You'd not only waste a complete balance on the off-chance that someone has lousy triggers, you'd also gamble on the fact that they have never heard of colour triggers before.…
  • I would also like to toss another idea out there: the removal of certain pre-defined emotes.

    For example, I don't see why a random newb could walk up to my character at the Megalith and type 'fondle Ryanne'.. and he'd actually d…
  • Supported!

    On that note, I wish more people would make use of the 'like' and 'agree' flags. That way good ideas and contributions would be pushed onto the 'Best Of..' page and thus be far better visible!
  • SAY colour for emotes:
    Make anything between Apostrophes ( " ) coloured in the SAY colour, as defined by CONFIG COLOUR, when using the EMOTE command.

    Prefix for emotes:
  • Get well soon!

    Disclaimer: Since we don't have a 'get well soon' flag, I had to 'like' your post. It's meant as a 'get well soon' though!
  • I think this thread has degraded to the point where nothing useful or productive will come from it. Perhaps it should be closed now.
  • When I type AIDES <insert ministry, especially power omg> I get a long list of names including the (online) tag.. and including titles. What I have a hard time of finding is the actual name of the power aide.

    Idea 1: Colour t…

  • (Quote) So long as I can opt-out of viewing them I'm peachy. It's just that no script will ever be 100% accurate, that's why a game config option would be a pure blessing.

    Also along those lines...



    It would mean that instead of seeing this:

  • Yep, the word is interest.

    Personally, I never stash gold in a bank because if I do I won't have it on hand when suddenly (cheap.. yeah right) credits go up or I want to buy something in a shop. There doesn't seem to be any reas…
    in Banks? Comment by Ryanne April 2013
  • (Quote) How is a fist sigil going to help? Last I knew fists only prevented wielded items to be knocked out of your hands, but not things out of your inventory?
  • I think Mudlet targetting was case sensitive last time I checked. Make two temp triggers, one for 'ssaliss' and one for 'Ssaliss'. Alternatively check if your stuff throws an error when executed.
  • Okay so.. I've decided to stay mage and been trying to assemble my equipment. I feel like there is a bazillion things I still don't have or remember. I got robes, curatives (potions, herbs), some enchantments (mercy etc, the defense ones), healing/p…
    in Hi! Comment by Ryanne April 2013
  • Take care of. :)

    (And why can't I simply edit my posts.. *drama* )
  • Thanks!
    in Hi! Comment by Ryanne March 2013
  • Oh, sorry: I meant I am already a Geomancer and I don't know what tertiary to take. Runes, Psionics (telepathy or telekinetics?) or dreamweaving?

    But good to know Geomancers are considered fun! in Hi! Comment by Ryanne March 2013
  • Thanks for all the info! (Yeah a bit late but uh..)

    I'm sort of sceptical because the credit market looks as shot as ever but.. on another note: What's the most fun mage specialisation these days?
    in Hi! Comment by Ryanne March 2013
  • Easy enough if you're not endgame though (lvl 77 yay!)? Easy enough to do it alone? I don't have the sort of money to trans skills through massive cash investments. -.-
    in Hi! Comment by Ryanne February 2013
  • Well, several of these new thingies don't tell me anything.. but right now I have a more important question:

    What the hell happened the the credit market?! I knew it had become expensive around here, but are people seriously buying credit…
    in Hi! Comment by Ryanne February 2013
  • @Ssaliss: Thanks for answering. :) Every 'long' in…
    in Hi! Comment by Ryanne February 2013