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  • Okay, I'm feeling it. I'm feeling the fantasy. It needs some tweaks (truefavors really jumped out at me), but I understand where you are coming from. Did you guys still want to address the universal damage defences?

    As for armor…
  • (Quote)

    I'll be honest, I have a hard time following your questions.

    The DMP buff curios have never mirrored damage buff artifacts. This thread is exclusively about damage buffs and resistances. In the new system, the…
  • Edit: Curios mimic skills in that they added DMP, and did not mimic actual artifacts. Yes, by definition they are artifacts but it doesn't make sense to repurpose curios under the new system to be existing artifact equivalents that they have ne…
  • So that's basically DMP with harsher scaling. :P

    I agree with Ssaliss regarding the classification of Curios for the reason he stated. Ultimately any decisions regarding "artifacts," however, is up to Estarra. 
  • I'm not saying no yet, but I am saying I don't see a lot of value other than extra clutter, but I could be wrong. So, to resolve it, take a guild (any guild, your guild!) and put the defensive skills into a 10 tier system. 
  • (Quote) The cap stays the same in either system, so I don't see how changing the volume of tiers is "significant rebalancing." It's just a reorganization of the existing system and splitting it up into smaller steps. Like I mentioned, I don't know…
  • My questions is if we rework the universal defences (which is a low effort, high reward change) do we need to rework the entire system into a 10 tier system (medium effort, high reward)? I don't know if most (if any) guilds posess enough damage type…
  • Sorry, I edited my response before you replied! But I think you may be right regarding the universal damage defences. My idea for a solution is in my previous post. 
  • Well, one of the most (if not the most) frequent complaints was the power creep. Instead of just guild skills, we had kirigami and dark beer and curios etc etc etc. So I get it, and I don't disagree, but I think the issue is that we have too much th…
  • Keep in mind that the change from level 4 to level 5 with havoc cry is 5%. One of the main goals was to take away the ability for buffs to dictate the flow of combat. 

    What I like about the ease with which peopl…
  • Wishing I hadn't done some online binge shopping yesterday. Where's my credit card...
  • (Quote)

    That is a really broad question. You can see what we've removed so far. If you have a concern about healing not curing something, you would have to be more specific for me to provide feedback.

    Edit: Healing ha…
    in Healing Comment by Saesh February 2015
  • The correct answer is ugly. The dress is ugly. 
  • Your list isn't entirely accurate. I haven't gone skill by skill, but off the top of my head I know temperature affects both ablaze and shivering which have different cures.  Muscles cures some marjoram afflictions but also slit throat and paralysis…
    in Healing Comment by Saesh February 2015
  • (Quote) It's both! 
  • That's not necessarily true. The existing skillet isn't divided strictly by cure type. Some are, some aren't.
    in Healing Comment by Saesh February 2015
  • Healing would function exactly as it does now. I'm not sure where the "simply doesn't work," comment comes from. Healing, save for a handful of skills, just breaks up afflictions in to groups. Fairly easy to convert that to the new system. The other…
    in Healing Comment by Saesh February 2015
  • Ieptix fixed that two weeks ago. Please let us know if it isn't prioritizing properly!
  • Play nice. You don't need to be in a guild to have an opinion about a guild. All respectful perspectives are welcome.
    in Healing Comment by Saesh February 2015
  • My only comment at this point is that I don't oppose any changes to healing, but it's important to not cross the streams. If you have issues with Researchers or Shadowdancers, that issue needs to be addressed appropriately with the Researchers and S…
    in Healing Comment by Saesh February 2015
  • (Quote) Please consult your envoy. Trickster doesn't require crotamine to function as intended. 
  • (Quote) I'm going to NYC in April and I'm debating seeing it on Broadway. 
  • I won't go too deeply into the healing conversation because it does veer somewhat off topic from the Overhaul, but healing has basically two versions. The self curing version which is extremely flexible with a few limitations, and the targeted curin…
  • Ultimately, any system worth improving would have to be rewritten to not track the "your skin needs purity dust," message but track individual afflictions in order to prioritize effectively, thus making the whole change somewhat fruitless. I'll als…
  • Things like beast cures and healing will be converted to the new system, after the system is fully fleshed out.
    There are no plans to make healing offensively oriented, specifically because we aren't reworking the design of skill sets. I would…
  • (Quote)

    Done. It's forums official.

    (Mine is Nerfyin)
  • (Quote) 1) There are a minimum of 10 afflictions for every bucket. If I recall correctly, we had a tough time filling physical internal. The main motivation for pox over something like sun-allergy is exactly what you noted: plague afflictions. The…
  • Ieptix has previously stated the number of mobs was not the cause of the lag. 
  • My goal with this, for the record, was to establish a universal system across damage buffs and resistances that can also hopefully be applied to h/m/e so that the entire game is on the same page thus making balance discussions exponentially easier. …
  • I think the common wisdom is to default to diminishing returns because that is what we are used to and the most common type of scaling system in regard to this type of mechanic. I don't agree that it's the best solution when considering our goals, I…