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  • @shango for being fun to talk to ICly, and then sending me a link to a dragon getting his hoard appraised. I've seen it though....
  • (Quote)
    No, you can't leave!
  • (Quote)
    Say Aeon adds a two-second delay to every action you make (I don't remember what the number actually is).
    I give you Aeon.
    While you have Aeon, I give you asthma plus stun you. The asthma and stun also are d…
  • Without reading much of this thread or considering the implications it would have to classes, and remembering I haven't done combat in a few years, my suggestion would be to have aeon go both ways.

    Actions of and to the victim are delayed…
  • (Quote)
    Translation: eq/bal bonuses are here to stay.

    The point of removing eq/bal bonuses is so we can balance other skills more accurately without having to worry about how the bonuses play a part…
  • I think removing eq/bal bonuses would be a good thing for the overall health of the game. Diversity being sacrificed so there's a net improvement to combat balance and reasoning behind how to balance is good.

    The envoys seem to …
  • I'd be willing to spend more money if I didn't feel punished for spending it. I think a perfect example is the interaction between damage modifier runes and damage buff runes. 

    A buff rune gives a percent bonus to damage while a…
  • I love this idea, and I'm so glad that it's being considered. Even if the costs are high upfront, if you guys do this properly and with forward-thinking, there's no good reason this wouldn't pay off for years to come.

    I implore …
  • (Quote)
    If you ever decide to off yourself, please do so in obscurity and not dissolve the Order. While we would hate to lose you, we would /happily/ continue to run the Order over losing, well, everything.
  • Even if there are opportunities for RP, this is one of those times where the OOC investment interferes with any IC objectivity. 
  • (Quote) It's 80 million personal essence to create a cult, let alone trans it. Even if you have an active cult with people regularly offering, getting trans veneration is a significant investment.

  • A governing principle or principles that dictate the approach to skill design and balancing that is consistently applied.

    Each archetype would have its own subset.

    Some examples of wha…
  • I think if you wanted to do drastic changes to afflictions, the following steps would be more beneficial:

    1) Review each affliction, possible sources, and its effects.

    2) Where possible, consolidate af…