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  • Serious question, is there anyone using BM or BC in 1v1 right now at all? I ask because the theorycraft is all fine and good but if no one is using it to confirm the "cans and shoulds" in practice we don't actually know if the insta kills are viable…
  • (Quote)
    Fortunately, a change seems to be in the works albeit in the future. I do not believe we should be setting a precedent of having to use power to cure afflictions as a base-line. Instead of stacking a power cost on the cure make …
  • What other aff has a power cost to remove?
  • (Quote) Eh, I don't know. You and others may see it as a nuisance but I feel like it brings atmosphere. It's a radio ad or a billboard. It makes a quiet game (in some orgs, very quiet) seem a little more alive. One message an hour is not bad …
  •  To be honest, I like things like this. Established players have every right to feel jaded about it but I know that the crier in Mag actually pointed out some functions/help files I didn't know were there. Crier messages are good in my book for help…
  • Saying something is sexy but not sex related is a bit of an oxymoron. Here's the thing, you're arguing that there is a clear line but there isn't. You can't say that a chastity belt is solely sex-intended but a bejeweled, mesh thong isn't.

  • (Quote) This seems more than mildly subjective as a whole. What you consider vulgar may not be to someone else, hence the desire for a little more defined line.
  • Thank you. 

    I think what what most people don't appreciate is that business (and life for that matter) takes time. We can't expect immediate results all the time and if we're willing to hold off a bit and be patient rather than jumping at…
  • (Quote) Even knowing that, I still wish we had. Think of the adventures!
  • Technically, Deep Night is a city unto itself. Probably could do something similar. Does tracking warrior require power from a specific nexus?

    Edit: Not that I think the admin should build a Deep Night clone but a player could.
  • That's awesome! I wish I would have followed the prompts from whomever was puppetting the fitzgarbleatron. There was a very small prompt that I only saw when I looked back at it that we should just put it in the nexus.
  • No way! I enjoy bringing others into it if only to watch the confusion.
  • Oddly enough you all weren't all that far off of how Breandryn and I are handling it. Cascade of comical failures anyone?
  • (Quote) I think your first problem is assuming we are using logic and actual knowledge of the basin.
  • @Breandryn I'll be honest, I needed the laughs. I look forward to more adventures and more blank stares from the people around them.
  • I don't believe I was "pushing" anything or even "lamenting" imbalance. If that's the tone that has come across it is unintentional. My intent was to offer ideas and support the freedom to do so in a reasonable manner. 

    If you don't like …
  • There seem to be a lot of envoys on this thread for your S.O.P. to be the way it works. There are some situations in which a discussion board just works better to discuss the problem and get input from everyone. I think it can reduce wasted time for…
  • You're welcome to add to the discussion and I can't disagree with your reasoning of why you think it would be bad without seeing it in practice.

     A major change to the mechanics is way down the road so I personally don't see a problem wit…
  • Not sure it is viable to compare the rest of the year's combat to the ascension event. I know that I was not the only one so lagged out that the only way to do much was to take your hands off the keyboard and hope passives did something productive. …
  • Particularly as we go into factions, is it terribly necessary that monks have a mystical connection to the orgs they're part of? Does anyone take them less seriously because they study ways to break bodies with fist and feet rather than elements or …
  • @talan is far and away the master of our white n' nerdy rap battle. I was laughing pretty much non-stop. Super fun, Gaudi, well done!
  • So I was playing with namegen to try to get some names for the play I'm writing (please make namegen for gnome/fink) and got this on a Lobo male:

     3. Letgo 

    I feel like that's a step away from:

  • I was pretty disappointed but this was my first entry.

    My frustration about it is that when a super high credit artifact is at stake and it often goes to the same types of designs, let alone the same designers, it feels as if there is a c…
  • Personally, I feel like there are a ton of things I just can't get ahold of. Aethersuits are out of reach for me because we haven't had dingbats in a while. Crystals are the same way. I could be missing something though.

    There are so many…
  • I would like a steady way to get wonder crystals as well.
  • She can't be an SD if she's only half-assing her seduction. 

    :D Made myself laugh.
  • I like my snobby snoot.

    Also, I find more value in learning the areas that I am fighting in so I know how to get around. A lot of times, if we go to a bubble or area that is new to me I will stay after to look over the area and get a gen…
  • Allergies has the effect of slowing writhe as well as a few other things. Could increase Sap power cost, make it a time cured affliction which doubles the effects of allergies for 2-3 equilibriums? I don't know the interplay on this well enough but …
  • This may have been suggested before but why can't sap just incrementally increase the time it takes to writhe? 

    Edit: allergies does this already. Maybe sap doubles the effects of allergies. (Trying to reduce the amount of recoding requir…