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  • (Quote) Carvings would make more sense. I mean, carvings... trees... they just go together. I'm just waiting for some new tree person to be standing around, maybe catching a nap, and some young couple comes along and carves a heart with…
  • Happy Birthday gifts from Lusternia. I don't think they used to have these, but it was a fun little surprise!
  • Players who take the time to make their own mini-events (it doesn't always take a God, but sometimes they join in which is awesome!) And more, people who recognize that it's an opportunity for RP and join in as well! Kudos to you sorts.

  • Mysrai's Shifting City is a lot of fun. The room descriptions are pretty epic, and very eclectic. It seems to have something that could cater to every type of personal taste. But for me, it always seemed to have the "frozen in time" sort of feel to …
  • You read what is written on a simple red-bordered letter:
    Always remember that your Will is your own, your heart your own, and
    your choices your own. It is not a necessity for you to define yourself
    to others.

    Indeed, to pl…
  • So far people in Glomdoring have been not only surprisingly polite, but professional as well. The hard part was finding people to ask to start with. But that's been righted!

    Honestly from experience in Lusternia versus other games Lustern…
    in Org Mobs Comment by Sulaei April 2013
  • [ So this thread is a new concept to me, but neat! ]

    Going for the ones Sulaei has met... sort of

    Morbo drives Sulaei crazy, or did. Every time she'd attempt to do the quest with the rocs he'd sweep through and kill all of them…
  • I second the Thank you! part of this.
  • This is where you need that artifact that lets you see who's on other planes. :P
    in Org Mobs Comment by Sulaei March 2013
  • @xenthos Good to know! I was under the impression there wasn't any kind of limit at all, which well... goes back to making them a fairly moot point if one's made …
    in Org Mobs Comment by Sulaei March 2013
  • @Shaddus no one said anything about moving orgs out of boredom.

    Also, on the line of your comments, there's a gross overabundance of OOC/IC grey lines …
    in Org Mobs Comment by Sulaei March 2013
  • It doesn't seem like it. Maybe I'm missing something.
    in Org Mobs Comment by Sulaei March 2013
  • And traded. Thanks. :)
  • (Quote) Along these lines, is there any possibility in the near (or far) future that Lusternia will be converting to statpacks like other IRE games? I find they are really pretty amazing and give more roleplay reason to be a certain rac…
  • Hmm... Sulaei dislikes most women because she seems them all as fickle and catty, and has experiences to back up those feelings. But at the same time, the person she most admires right now is Aiyana who vaguely restored her faith in well... various …
  • Alright. Thanks again for the information. It really is very helpful, and much appreciated!
  • (Quote) I'll see if I can find those places. I'm still largely unfamiliar with the vast majority of Lusternia though, so it might take a while to figure out where all that is.

    Thanks to those who have offered advice…
  • From what I've heard from people and seen personally in Icewynd, I agree that some changes were necessary, but that does kind of make me wonder where to bash between 80 and 100. Everyone basically said to go to Icewynd when you could, and now that I…
  • On to something other than curing, and I can't remember if it got mentioned exactly or not, is a suggestion for the college tasks, specifically the one where you have to go around to the planes.

    As a newbie that one is probably …
  • From what I understand Imperian's curing system has no delays or anything  (someone would have to confirm that) and without having to type something (firstaid) that has I think an EQ delay, although I've read that Aetolia has a very minute one (what…
  • (Quote) Um, that was my point. Since when is it anyone's right to make money off of IRE's foundation? I did not say I wanted anything for free. I DID say I'd even be willing to pay IRE themselves for a good internal IRE coded curing sys…
  • I must have missed the fact that it was being worked on. I'm VERY glad to hear it though! And a huge kudos to whoever you have working on it. 
  • Hrm... sorry about the weird white behind the text. Guess that's what I get for copying a comment from Imperian's forums over to here, what with their white backgrounds. 

    Nevermind, fixed it. :P
  • (Quote)

    Yeah so I'm biased, and I say stay in the Illuminati and Gaudiguch, 'cause we're awesome like that. Besides, I thought you were fun the one time I got to talk with you in game!

    The coding comment b…

  • #alias vote {#url {http://www.ironrealms.com/irex/tmsvote.php?id=lusternia}} ...for any zmud users that are left. 

    Just sayin'! Makes daily v…
  • My experiences as in Lusternia have an "I wish they had...." or "I wish this did/didn't..." list, particularly in relation to being a newer character.

    Several years ago I made a character in Lusternia and had a lot of the proble…
  • After hearing that a single person managed to get and hold the hamster the entire time, I agree with Viynain's second suggestion of random teleport. Not only is that actually well, chaotic, but it'd add an element of scrambling and nerves to the gam…
  • I finally got to listen to one of these. They're amazing! Great job. It honestly made understanding it so easy, as it flowed very nicely. Plus there's just something about being able to actually hear a story and retain it. in The Histories of Lusternia: Audiobook Version Comment by Sulaei February 2013
  • Speaking of Aetherhunts. I don't think I've seen or heard of a single one going on. Okay, I take that back, I've heard of one... when Vadi extended an invitation to Gaudiguch recently right as I was leaving. Do they still happen?
  • Lots of valid points, even the snarky ones (though I admire your passion to make your opinions blatantly obvious Celina). I'm not trying to change the game on some catastrophic level. Hell, I'm not even trying to change the game in a way that would …