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  • I never claimed it was going to be a good forgery.
  • Another simple idea: a "back to top" button on the bottom of the forum page because I'm too lazy to scroll up for ages.
    in Simple Ideas Comment by Svana June 2016
  • I've acclimated and become lazy, and often use american spelling in in-game interactions. The only time any complaints are made is when you submit designs, so it generally isn't an issue.
  • The proper spelling here is inconsistent, so just assume it's because Estarra wants it to be this way.

    I was irked by "maneuver" as a warrior for months before I eventually accepted it.

    It's spelled "m…
  • Simple idea; Increase max possible stock in city and aether shops to 2000.
    in Simple Ideas Comment by Svana June 2016
  • Second place...

    Obviously I must find and consume Twytch to absorb their power.
  • (Gaudiguch): Please welcome Gail who just stepped out of the Portal of Fate as a new citizen!
  • Nobody ever believes the angry screaming bull-lady who is frothing at the mouth and ranting about nothing being real.

    Kidding. :P I hope you guys had fun, and to whomever was controlling the High Gods; I am so very sorry. So very very sor…
  • If Mysrai wasn't around? Hoaracle. Easily.
  • I'll be a bit scarce for a while, but I'll log in every day/every other day to check messages and catch up on any work that I get notified about.
  • She speaks Taurian... a woman after my own heart.
  • I disagree that the Kephera have a functional, speakable language. Just because they have a written analogue to a language doesn't mean they have the phonetic structure to make that language verbal.

    The written word can be trans…
  • Psh, bovines are the cutest things ever created.



  • Just another day in Gaudiguch...

    Gauldric starts to beat on a pound of raw flesh, his hands taking up a regular rhythm.

    You stare blankly at Gauldric.

    You slam your fore…
  • You wouldn't have to worry about Taurovax the Destructor, Avatar of Bull's Rage. Svana would be there immediately to subjugate the bull-like thing, as is her job as the only remaining Taurian Matriarch.

    Might turn it into a moun…
  • Lesson sale.

    Lusternia, let me throw my money at you.
  • From a mechanical point of view, Illithoid do in fact have some version of a soul.

    The most obvious example of this is the Soulless Tarot. Works just the same on Illithoid as it does on everyone else. You can also look at how th…
  • @Mysrai shall always be "The Most Beloved One" to Svana, even though They aren't exactly 'one'. in Gender and Respect Comment by Svana January 2015
  • I tend to threaten to chop down forests/do other equally horrible things because I, as a player, am physically unable to handle stress until I heal up more, and I JUST WANT PEOPLE TO LEAVE ME ALONE. ._.

    Other times it's because …
  • Yeah, I've got a question. What's it like living so far north you've got orcs and hobbits and such?

    Also, what's it like having tourists in the dead of summer who don't constantly complain about how cold it is?
  • Dunno, I think if we're going to talk about someone and use their name, we should at least have the decency to tag them so they know what's being said.

    But that's just my common decency tingling.
  • There's one of your problems. You give out CF/Credits for raids. If Gaudiguch offered that option, I'd probably do no-risk raids too just for the easy cheese.
  • (Quote) Svana very likely couldn't kill anyone with a curing system at the moment, and she still tends to get things done. She's big, she's mean, and she looks like she could take a bite out of field plate, but she solves most of the co…
  • (Quote) I don't recall ever yelling at anyone, but if I did, I'd yell at them because they aren't using enough common sense. Most people will listen to reason when you ask them politely to stop doing something, be that no-risk raids or …
  • There are good people in Serenwilde, I'll admit that... but back when I actively dealt with serenwilde, you never heard from them. It was always people praising the obnoxious ones for 'fighting for the Wilde!', even if that 'fighting' meant attackin…
  • The problem with this level of xenophobia is that it alienates other players and potentially drives people away from the game. Our population isn't the greatest as is.

    Serenwilde, and many of its practices, are destructive to th…
  • Hehe, I see Serenwilde hasn't changed one bit. You should just learn enough environment and cut the whole thing down, then join a sensible org like... well, any other org in the game.
  • It's not that I don't want it - I just don't care about it. I watch it go up, I watch it go down. In the end it's just another number to watch move.
  • Joke's on them, I don't even care about my gold.