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  • Why not handle it in game? If someone from your organization or alliance is the one being overzealous, you probably have channels to utilize to stop them.

    If it's from the enemy organization, well this is a cha…
  • (Quote)
    Hope you're able to settle in and play again soon! Always loved roleplaying with your character. Also, if you need an extra laptop just DM me in Absence Thread Comment by Talkan October 2021
  • Just now seeing this - that was great! Loved your descriptions of how your body was physically reacting to things.
  • (Quote)
    Also been thinking about doing the same thing. More than happy to contribute if needed.
  • (Quote)
    What'd you modify?
  • (Quote) One thing you're forgetting is that all Celestine's timed instakills have two components 1) You can't do anything after it begins and/or 2) You can't leave the room either.

    So yes, a knight certainly has issues keeping some…
  • (Quote) Yes, precisely so- particularly point #3. The original post essentially turns Celestines into a class that can only kill in groups with the Sacraments instakill outlined. Which...they can already do with Absolve. So while it may be sl…
  • (Quote) I guess I'm confused about why moving kill routes away from tertiaries is a net positive for the class. Meteor and Soulless are really fun kill routes to achieve. Moving the class away from those doesn't seem like it's inherently bett…
  • This change would cause Celestines to have one and only reliable method to kill someone: using the Inquisition ego drain/instakill.

    In days of yore, before things went insane in combat balance, Celestines relied on Inquisition to stun the…
  • Has anything or is anything going to come of this?

    I've only been back a short time but a lot of people have told me that Celestines (and guardians in general) are in a pretty poor spot.

    I don't have a grip enough on the meta a…
  • (Quote) I dunno what that means
  • Where the heck did everyone go?
  • (Quote) I spend all my game time in EVE Online and Arma these days, but sometimes I think fondly back towards when Lusternia was the best game I ever played!
  • (Quote) I guess in the grand scheme of things it was a pretty quick turn around.

    In reality, it was about a year (maybe a month or two less) from the purchase of the cubix until I decided I was done with the game.
  • (Quote) You're almost exactly right, Steingrim. It was for 50% of a cubix. The city had 1 or 2 - I'm pretty sure Narsrim and maybe Ilyarin (although was he Ilyarin at this point?) had one. Regardless, it was crystal clear that the city …
  • (Quote) I'm not entirely sure I understand your point, but I hope I came across the way I intended. My main thrust being that if the devs are able to give players a broad balancing theme that they stick with, players are better able to understand …
  • Out of curiosity, have the admins ever established a balancing foundation since I've payed attention? I remember pretty vividly from being an Envoy that there didn't seem to be any rhyme or reason for what was accepted or not. The one common thread …
  • "Let's be honest, Celestines didn't need Shackles," says the guy who realizes this even though he hasn't played in like five years.
  • If I'm still in town, I'll be there.
  • Yes, do come if you can! The two of us are available each weekend in September, more than likely.