Not a new artifact, but a change that would be most welcome. Currently if you make a manse room an outdoor room (ASHOP 536) you can no longer build furniture there. Can we have a way to override the inability to build furniture in outdoor MANSE room…
Will the clock tower in Magnagora be completed? It feels like it has been at least a RL year, probably longer, that it has been in construction with the same 'off-balance' tick at midnight. Not a gripe, I promise, just wondering! Also, is there a wa…
Cheers to Arix! Many years you have spent on this journey, and you have finally arrived at the apex! Behold, you are bestowed the title 'the Final Oldbie Demigod'.
Because I can't edit my prior post, it has come to my attention that there are other bubblixes that are not to aetherbubbles. For all intents and purposes, I would prefer it to be just one bixbox to house them all, whatever shape it comes in.
In response to the Livestream Q&A, I asked if we could make a Masterbix and Masterbrooch to the likes of the Mastercrown. It was met with a good response, and thus here I am posting my idea, once more, to hopefully get this thing everybody wants…
Another alternative is just to remove the majority of the system. I can't tell you how many RL years most Orgs have been Benign Conquest, I spent a few solid months trying to get Celest to swap from Religious before leaving as well. Let them mostly …
The one advantage to being Demigod for timequakes? You don't conglut so you don't lose power -or- essence! Today I learned, despite my best efforts to show kindness to the opposition when they just wanted to come in. Nothing like being known for bei…
I'm not expecting people just to hand out free passes, that would be silly to demand. Either it is given or it isn't, and that's fine. I've asked and have been asked, sometimes they go well, most times they don't. My gripe is how poor some people sp…
I've been to the point where I don't bother even chasing or attacking a solo person because there just is no point in being a jerk about it. I become disgusted though with what I hear after people die in says and Crux though, it's just pathetic taun…