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  • The idea that you can't learn anything from spars is silly. I've learned a lot from sparring over the past few weeks, from enemies and allies alike. Sure, it isn't a completely realistic environment, but it gives you a contained arena in which to te…
  • (Quote)
  • I've been sparring for literal hours straight and only just now realized one of my forms is broken on its third action at 5mo. It's been that way all night. Possibly longer.


    I'm the greatest at this.

  • I can kill people in spars! ...If my poisons hit them enough times in a row. RNGesus take the wheel!
  • Is there any way to preview a stole? I'd like to buy one, but I don't want to do so without knowing what I'm actually going to look like in it.
  • I forgot to save the fortunes I got the first time around, so I got three new ones.

    Eyebrows rising, Seer Pachima Mologmomo says, "Oh my, the cloud is shaped like a... oh, right! I think deep within the shadows, something stirs, bewa…
  • A shirtless man-servant tells you, "You should destroy a quiet marionette maidservant."

    Competition between servants must be more fierce than I thought.
  • (Quote) Where was this change actually mentioned? I don't see a news post, or a changelog, or anything in HELP EMOTING. If it wasn't for the forums I'd have no idea this was possible now. Did I miss something, or was this completely snuck in?
  • I really wish ScorpionSpit had its own syntax, and wasn't just SPIT <person>. I feel like a jerk when I spit at someone in a fight with empty glands. I'm really sorry! I did not want to do a rude emote at you! I just wanted to poison you...
  • Alas, my claws are no match for a breezy afternoon. I know maybe two or three different skills for climbing trees, but holding onto them once I'm up there is advanced stuff.
  • Is there any way to check what pre-overhaul afflictions do, short of hitting myself and trying to figure out what's different? Overhaul afflictions get AFFS INFO, but that doesn't seem to work for basically everything I afflict with as a monk, so I'…
  • Wind keeps blowing me out of my thinking tree. :( 
  • With a quick spin, Truda kicks you in the left arm with her right foot.

    Acrobatics has never felt more relevant to my life than in this moment.
  • After struggling to make myself look delicious to rocs, I finally ended up trapped in the wrong nest, and then left my dice on the floor by accident when I finally escaped. in Tweets VII: Tweet Child of Mine Comment by Truda October 2016
  • (Quote) Oh, me too! I've used them by accident a couple times and kicked myself for it, but I talk to people so infrequently that I doubt anyone realizes there's a specific way that Truda should be speaking in the first place. 

  • It took more than a week, but I finally found someone to enchant my robes. :D
  • You Are A:

    True Neutral Human Barbarian/Ranger (2nd/1st Level)

    Ability Scores:
    Strength- 16
    Dexterity- 18
    Constitution- 16
  • (Quote) You gonna eat that?
  • (I know Truda isn't really around in game right now, but I'd never have the opportunity to talk about this IC even if she was, so...)

    Truda lived away from other people all her life, until she came to Glomdoring. Beca…