If you can talk to someone OOC you might ask about triggers, some will only work for some UI's or some classes, but I am not sure that many are that personal.
Have you talked to other players about some of their triggers they've already written? A non nexus client might help, but also asking OOC for bit of code might reveal some snippets saved for players in general? Also, just asking how you c…
You should be able to ask around magnagora[that's where you are right?], they might have some OOC clans you can join just to help with those purposes. You can also ask around the forums. The Mechanics Corner, in the WOrld forums, can help with …
WONDERCORNUCOPIA FORM will eventually get you an item that gives several useful buffsm, and every IG year will give you 500 goop or much more rarely, a wondercrystal which can form other wonderitems, you'll get wondercrystals as you level.
Well, you can eat any of the OG ones you have, so you should be able to use them in cooking with no problem. I would assume they have some guild lines for how you can use them. So, it would have to be mostly made of mundane materials.
Got a call from the VA about it. I am in a very long line. THey were very firm about "don't call us, we'll call you, and if you miss our call, don't worry, we'll call you back." So there is some good news.
Issue yourself and report them[in the issue] for AFKing in defiance of the rules.? Or MSG the fates or an admin about them? They usually just get hit with a bit of role point being subtracted if it's a first time offense, so…
Jatius, you want both a A Leprechaun's Medal of Profligate Inebriation, (3500 Aethergoop, 376 on ashop) and the Charm of the Clangoru (1200 Aethergoop, 443 on ashop). The first stops you from losing alcohol tolerance when you don't drink it for…
A strangely reptilian creature devoid of scales, a pungent vinestalker is an animated plant whose lithe body is shaped by a mass of twisting tendrils, an eerie glow pulsing like a heartbeat from within. Se…