The one time I donated blood (a year or so ago, I think, maybe longer), they said I wasn't anaemic. As for the other factors: workplace temperature is whatever temperature it is outside, engagement is fairly active all day, and …
Bought a pack of Stacker 2 Yellow Jackets extreme energy yesterday.
Took three of the four pills today (gave one away.) Each pill is 300mg of caffeine, with an assorted other bunch of stimulants. Still managed to nod off while s…
I would give you a hug to make you feel better, but I'm 95% sure I'd get glitter on me, and would somehow keep finding it on my person for the next three years.
I couldn't quite figure out where to post these (in pets, or player), but since it has both me AND my pet, I figured this would be the place. This is what happens every single time I get home from work and let my cat out of his room. Every. Single. …
I suppose it makes my rant look like child's play, but I hate waking up at 4 in the morning, and not getting home till at least 7 - 730 in the evenings. Today was my only day off in…