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  • (Quote) Geoborgs, whose theme is less stone than it is toxins/pollution, both of which could easily cause internal bleeding/haemophilia.
  • (Quote) I'm aware; that's why I put two of them in the passives. Two apply melancholics, two sip cholerics. They aren't all meant to stack, unless you think that would be a good idea. Besides, a geoborg could take advantage of salve pas…

  • (Quote)
  • (Quote) Yeah, improving the plague affs would have major repercussions for Cacos and Nihilists. Better to just edit the geoborgs.

    If you don't want to do a BlackPlague type effect, here's my idea for affliction changes:

  • (Quote) And Hallifax is good at stacking Timewarp, Gaudiguch stacks Insanity, and Glomdoring stacks bleeding and mana damage. All of those thing advance at least two different guilds' kill methods, and assist with hindering (or in…
  • (Quote) This is exactly what I was suggesting; I don't think anyone wants to let players have full control over skillset mechanics; all that's needed is per-release feedback, to shoot down the worst problems.
  • I agree with Celina: there is a major disconnect between the way the administrators think the mechanics of their game work, and the way they work in practice. This isn't really their fault; their position as admins requires a degree of separation be…
  • (Quote)
  • It seems to me that this skillset is screaming for a BlackPlague type effect while in the same room as the geoborg, giving plague affs a chance to re-assert themselves when cured. It's pretty much the only way for plague affs to potentially mean any…
  • It would be really wonderful if you would argue in good faith, Celina; I agree with your point overall, but arguing it belligerently and acting snide and dismissive is only going to harden opposition to you (see years of doing the same about Choke e…
  • The group's actually full at the moment, sorry :(. I'll contact you if we lose a player though.

  • (Quote) Whatever you want to play, really, but the only combat role we lack is a blaster (which is much more effective in this setting) and the big out-of-combat role we lack is a dedicated exposition device (Knowledge skill user)…

  • (Quote) The skillsets are virtually incapable in single combat and notably problematic in groups. They move away from demense, but at the cost being unable to fulfill a melder's role in combat, and requiring melder to be able to s…
  • (Quote) And how'd that work out? The woodomatics skilllsets aren't remotely similar to traditional mages, and honestly have enough shortcomings for the foreseeable future that they aren't really viable in single combat, and are problema…
  • An idea shameless ripped from another MUD that I think could be adapted here by a clever envoy:

    -Add a 'Aura' skill to the meld user named after the element or terrain type the meld user uses (TidalAura, FlameAura, NatureAura, WyrdenAura,…
  • (Quote) People sleep?
  • @Eventru: I'm not sure if it's possible, but the admins should really consider removing flagging posts from the forum, at least in it's current form. Being able t…
  • Celina: you know you can edit your posts, right? You don't have to make three in a row.
  • We've room for one more player, if anyone is interested.
  • GoogleDoc with most of the information you'll need is here.

    Contact me over Skype @ foolofsound to get added to the group.
  • (Quote) It's over Skype, so your choice.

    @Lillie, we currently only have one newbie who has gotten in contact with me, and three experience…
  • This just in: rather than change your race to Stickywood, as was originally proposed, the spec will now change your race to something more in line with your patron:

  • Slots are starting to fill up, so if you are interested you should get in contact with me fairly soon.
  • (Quote) If you're really interested, we'd love to have you regardless of experience. d20 isn't too hard to get the hang of. If you'd like to observe, contact me over Skype @ foolofsound, and I'll add you to our conversations once the ca…
  • 3.5 seems a bit daunting, but it's not as complicated in play as it looks on paper. I'm willing to teach as we go, and since this is a low optimization game, you shouldn't run into the knowledge barrier that a lot of games end up having. Be sure to …
  • (Quote) But now you can come back to a couple thousand credits!
  • The game is low-optimization and RP heavy, with hardly a dungeon in sight. The alternate system being used is much more lethal than standard DnD, and is built to encourage players to try non-combat solutions first. The game will be mostly intrigue, …
  • (Quote) You're probably right. I'll drop it.
  • (Quote) I'm pretty sure that my statement was very general: smobs are mechanically MacGuffins to be attacked or defended, and have personal RP attached, whatever that may be. I'm not sure how you can call that untrue. I'm certainly not …
  • (Quote) You act like RP motivators and reward motivators are mutually exclusive. They are not. What are the smobs now? McGuffins to be attacked or defended, with RP attached. What would they be with a tangible reward attached? MacGuffin…