A well-dressed, clumsy waiter tells you, "I heard that Lady Czixi's been spotted sneaking to and from Gaudiguch, carrying bottles of whiskey. If you want juicier gossip, you are going to have to give what you gave me, plus another 5000 gold." <…
I like posting appearances. I had been zimoru-ing my sidiak bird a lot, because I wanted something but what I do not know. This is what I decided to stay on!
a lunar sidiak bird held aloft by four metallic wings
You compliment a lost soul of Lacunyr on her outstanding intellect and physique.
A lost soul of Lacunyr puffs up her chest and a crazy gleam enters her eyes as she vigorously agrees with you that her intelligence and strength far surpass anyone el…
You can do it with accepted designs too, treating it as a wip design. just design # comment and it will erase it, even if it's been accepted and is sitting in a cartel. Or it did, last I tried.