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  • Not letting the monk get to mo5 will not really be possible for all classes.

    Your best bet is to reduce the chances of success for the sequence of forms as much as possible.

    Prioritizing wound curing for the chest no matter wha…
  • My general tactic is to try and tank the monk offense as long as possible and see if I can build any wounds at all. Usually, you'll fail at first if you haven't done those kind of fights against that guild a few times already since the curing needs …
  • (Quote) Two-handed warrior specs use normal balance when attacking (and keep the arm balances). I guess that could be changed to simply using both arm balances instead, but then again, I don't think the slowing effect for attacks is the…
  • (Quote) Double-haegling followed by a swoop kill by the same person happens pretty often in group fights with Glom. And the demesne paralyses, not exactly a super-hinder, but it is one.
    The powerful thing about mana drains is that …
  • Speaking as one of the game's guildhoppers, I have to agree: Your guild is very important on several levels (although I can't claim all of them are equally important to me). Unfortunately, it can take way beyond novicehood to fully fathom your first…
  • That's pureblade (1v1) combat. Once you can chain collapsednerves and tendons (which is possible pretty quickly on people with mediocre robes), it is game over with pretty much no chance for them to do anything to fight back.
  • I've seen 'dressed' trees in Seattle. It was nothing as fancy as a robe, basically just the trunk wrapped in cloth. Perhaps robe designs for trees could be submitted as a makeshift solution for now.
    The carving idea sounds good as a more final …
  • Please have a look at the damage types of the area damage abilities of Aquachem. All but one contain blunt damage, and all contain asphyxiation damage. If that isn't easy to mitigate, I don't know. The rest of the damage is cold or fire, which aren'…
  • Yea, but... Aquachem area attacks don't deal divinus damage. And divinus bashing attacks are not restricted to Aquachems.
  • No idea what you fixed, Aquachemantics users don't get a buff to their area damage abilities from their skillset at all. In contrast to the other -woods and -chems so far. And as I said, if you complain about a divinus damage bashing attack, you can…

  • (Quote) Divinus for the single target attack. That comes at the cost of having no damage buff from the skillset for the area attacks. Also, divinus is no better than excoro damage for pvp, and both are worse against most people th…
  • I'm curious, what does it look like when a Wyrdenwood uses Swoop?
  • Urfion said: (Quote) So you'd keep everyone out of your org that you 'find unpleasant' and don't like interacting with? I think that's a horrible criterium. I mean, I can understand the notion…
    in Org Mobs Comment by Veyrzhul April 2013

  • (Quote) There is simply no consistency in these things, though. People switch from one org to an enemy org pretty often, even combatants/raiders. It depends completely on who makes the decisions, and some people seem t…
    in Org Mobs Comment by Veyrzhul April 2013

  • (Quote) That's right. Get unenemied to the guilds and orders of Celest and welcome. It's not my decision to make, however, so others may have a different opinion, particularly those who DO make the decision.

    And Synkari…
    in Org Mobs Comment by Veyrzhul April 2013
  • (Quote) Using skills gets you perma-banned? I mean, seriously? Being a 'nuisance' to an org you're at war with? And what are those 'plenty of other things'?
    in Org Mobs Comment by Veyrzhul April 2013
  • (Quote) When I was asking to join Glomdoring, Celest and Glomdoring had been allies for quite a while, and I had been unenemied to all the guilds and orders of Glomdoring. I was still told that I would not be allowed in due to my histor…
    in Org Mobs Comment by Veyrzhul April 2013
  • The only good reason I've heard so far was someone running away with guild/org credits/money, and even that is (also depending on the amounts) something that can be forgiven after a while. People do deserve second chances. 'Headaches' can stem from …
    in Org Mobs Comment by Veyrzhul April 2013
  • I've been outright denied joining Glomdoring last year, and I heard that Malarious was denied joining Celest fairly recently, too (before the alliance split up). Requirements for entry are fine, but I think that there is generally little justificati…
    in Org Mobs Comment by Veyrzhul April 2013
  • 130 ms is not high. It's noticeable, but there are really muds other than Lusternia where it matters a lot more. I can see it having an impact in group combat when your curing is running at full speed and will simply work a bit more smoothly without…
    in Ping time Comment by Veyrzhul March 2013
  • I actually think runes is the most underrated tertiary for mages in groups. That's why the outcry is so big when the cities get radded/double-haegled into oblivion by druids who use it far more commonly.
    in Hi! Comment by Veyrzhul March 2013
  • Tracking warriors are probably among the least tanky things in the game!
  • (Quote) Never heard of that before, has that been confirmed? It seems a somewhat wild theory just from testing, especially the part with the charisma-dependence.
    I know, however, that mobs of the same type vary in level (to some ex…
  • I don't know why you even feel entitled to a new skillset, Celina. Now that you've been told that you can work on fae skills, why not just do that?
    I can't help the impression that you're just a bit bored and want a new shiny toy.
  • It's annoying that you NEED affmessages now to know what you get afflicted with. There should be an IC way for a character to know that (if it is not a hidden affliction).

    If Lusternia wants to make an effort to facilita…
  • (Quote) The bard can still use buff song effects for themselves and active (power-) songeffects on the target.  Can someone confirm or rectify that Jealousy's buff is about 50% to damage? That's what I last heard.
  • (Quote) What does it mean that it 'piggy-backs' off Acrobatics? In the AB, it reads as if it works well on its own and simply stacks with Acro Dodging.
  • The idea behind the skillset is very nice, and it will surely be attractive to many people who don't even want to use it in combat at all.

    The 'fillers' between the actual affliction skills are unnecessary since bards already have dodge, …
  • AOE damage can very quickly get out of hand in group fights since its impact grows potentially with group size. While Lusternia has a few crowd-control (melds, bard songs), 'knockback' (scissorkick, Crow squall, Aeromancer whirlwind) and AOE h…

  • (Quote) The same can, for the most part, be said about Celestialism and Nihilism (when you replace fae with angels/demons). Even the investments are, with a few prominent exceptions, largely the same, and while the skillsets are fairly bland,…