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Xenthos · Shadow Lord


Last Active


  • Followup: Namiraa-Trench Themed End-Zone

    Building on the idea for a Death Challenge featuring the Namiraa Trench, you could do something like follows (using the same underlying code):
  • Unfortunately, if you allow "open PvP" in events, you undermine the mechanics/purpose of it - it's not about the event itself any more, the focus is much more strongly on who has the most people fighting.  If the game's in a lopsided state, the…
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    Imo this seems like a better framework to start.  And, as you clearly note, it's intended only as a preliminary framework to build on later.  Importantly I think this resolves my primary concern which is that any proposal must n…
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    This doesn't really seem to be beneficial.  Some of these quests are designed to be quite damaging, and the only thing that stops them from being done regularly is that it makes your allies mad.  If it benefits y…
  • Another thing here is the consideration that "everything must have a cost" is an extremely dated concept.  Nothing should have a cost "just because" - the cost should be designed and built for a reason.  Otherwise, just slapping costs on for th…
  • The very first thing that comes to mind here is that this doesn't actually... change much, at least not yet.  It adds mechanical benefits to being in an alliance, but also a flat cost - regardless of how well the alliance is doing (or not).  An…
  • Thank you for the self-reflection in this - obviously it will heavily rely on the follow-through, but the points you've expounded upon there are pretty clearly some of the biggest pain points in the game, and I appreciate that you …
  • (Quote) Even with this concern... I'd rather have newbies think there are people playing and stick around than think that the game is dead, regardless of org.

  • "On top of that, there's the ever present fear that if you opt-out then there's nobody to counter the arguments of those that would nerf everything you have and buff everything they have. Opting out feels risky, opting in is w…
  • The problem with non anonymity is that it then allows people to browbeat specific individuals by name into withdrawing or just not participating.  The point of anonymity is to allow people to participate without feeling like they're goin…
  • Balanced reporting is how reporting used to work, in general.  People actually had to at least try to work together - heck, you even used to have a clan dedicated to trying to do balanced reporting - but apparently you've decided that's not wor…
  • If you are arguing against balanced reports, then you might want to consider that you're a part of the problem here.  Did you ever actually initiate a conversation with a Hallifaxian saying, "Hey, here's a problem I'm having with this skill, wh…
  • Awesome, thank you!  Being kind to other players is A+. :)
  • "This package also includes a genrunner, so it can automatically bash and influence full areas. I am not responsible if you use afk bash and get punished for it. What you do with my system is entirely on you."
    Do you at le…
  • A constructive way of advancing things would be to actually present balanced reports; that is, not ones that are pure buff or pure nerf.  For example, reducing the RNG of timewarp further.  If you ask for removing diminishing returns on …
  • That's what makes it "bad faith" - the person is saying "work with us to hammer your skillsets or we'll do it anyways without you."  When Hallifax is, pretty clearly, not dominating the game right now as-is.  They managed to lose Ascensi…
  • If you want an example of a bad-faith comment, try this one from Report 313:
    --[Comment #8]--------------------------------------[October 6th 2021]--
    #7, You can discuss this report in good faith, bring up reasonable points and e…
  • There's an in-game contest that just concluded that very handily displays the "winning side," you know.  Like, it was over and done in an hour (minimum floor time requirement).
    Looking at 335 in specific, #1 is asking for "why" the wr…
  • While I've only commented on one report so far and haven't used "unnecessary," I do have to wonder: There are a lot of reports to buff up the "winning" team and nerf the "losing" team, with significant comments piling-on to try and force the is…
  • I am not saying that anyone in Magnagora joined to "be the villain," I said that Magnagorans are the most likely to join the obviously villainous character.  Other organizations have more disincentives to do so.
    The admin were very cl…
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    It's somewhat difficult because Magnagora is the one org that is the most obviously "we will sacrifice anything for personal power."  Other orgs are like Serenwilde and Celest (joining a villain character is pretty much out…
  • If you make a character decision, expect there to be IC repercussions for that decision.  If you double / triple down on it, lie to / mislead people to pursue an end that is opposed to their own, and show no remorse for those actions... they're…
  • Storm?  What storm?

    Thank you to the godmins involved in our "StormBeGone" rite, and to @Illyria / in Lack of Raves VI: Rave Today, Tweet Tomorrow Comment by Xenthos July 2021
  • Once upon a time, it was just as common for a full room to die as an empty room during dormancy.  I think we got it changed so a full room is less likely to die - but the chances of death for a room with 5 or 10 isn't that much different.  You …
  • I would suggest a slightly different take than Ayisdra.  Instead, allow you to nominate / select one mercantile trade as your focused trade.  Your first mercantile selection gains this flag automatically.  The following changes apply:
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    I think that both views are actually feasible.  Illithoid have been left with a lot of leeway / question marks around them!  The one thing that seems unlikely to me is that the worm itself actually does the verbal talking -…
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    This puzzles me, especially for an org that had such a long period of paying a salary directly to its CLs/GMs.  It sounds like it changed at least, so that's good!
  • I want to point out that I see my name used here and I did make a reply in the discussion:
    "Both of these things have the same solution available in the shop system." <-- This statement is not actually the case.  The problem is that I w…
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    They've said that they are planning on reviewing the disparate trade artifacts to account for things like that - it's on the Discord, buried in a lot of other text.  Uilani said she'd post a summary tomorrow (edit: she's pl…
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    As noted in a reply to this: The biggest issue I think most people are having is that if you're not proficient, it's a flat nerf from the status quo.  If the base 0% proficiency did not penalize players (instead being statu…