I also regard people who start malingering out of jealousy at <X> (for a usually stupid) reason with the same passionate hate. I think I would hate them a lot less, if I could exterminate them the same way I would, a cockroach.
today I'm frustrated at my limitations while simultaneously reminded again that the reason I'm a law abiding citizen is because I'm not smart enough to plan a crime and get away with it. :~[
Yep, confirmed. I'm that unicorn. The only unicorn. I am never revealing where I'm from. Too easy to identify later, especially in this super small community.
@Tremula chopsticks. The kind you get from the takeaway boxes of food. Us that to pick up -anything- disgusting. Have a handy disposable container /plastic bag to…
games are easier in that sense. put in the time and the work, no matter how tiresome and difficult and you get -somewhere- ; best of all you can see yourself getting somewhere and know where you generally stand. in General DissatisfactionComment by XeriaOctober 2016
I feel like I'm clutching my 'l33t equipment' just outside the newbie area after outgrowing it. I'm standing around holding a 'help! lost! info plz' sign while everyone else thunders by doing things and knowing exactly what to damnit al…
@Weiwae the kiakoda babies quest is wonderful but doesn't teach you how to look for objects hidden in the room description. it doesn't indicate that sometimes you …
teach people how to do lusternian quests. i had to have someone walk me through it on a now suicided alt before i got the hang of it. 9/10 it requires knowledge of lore i didn't even know i needed.
all of the audiobooks are amazing and absolutely spot on! The narration brought the discworld to life - i read the books and liked them but thought that they were somewhat the same after the umpteen book in the series. I listed to the audiobooks and…
if you guys liked terry prachett's the night watch in book form. I strongly recommend that you listen to them in audiobook form, if you haven't already.
Hey! You chain-smoking asshole: i -get- why you're mad (baggage) and why you feel the need to threaten my electronics, but there's no need to do so! If you picked up after your mess i wouldn't have to 'invade' your space to get at it. I really would…
@Kilee if it makes you feel any better, sounds like my stint in guild leadership. I still feel embarrassed about it, even after Xeria the character has been IG dead…