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  • Some new beasts (particularly fitting for a very tall dwarf would be nice). :)
    - Pygmy goat
    - Warthog
    in Simple Ideas Comment by Yacsee July 2017
  • I have two questions. :)

    1) Does the sharpness oil still exist and have any effect? The help file says it helps with accurancy…
  • Does anyone have an issue with preserving of room marks? I can set & (seemingly) save them just fine in iota, but as soon as I close & start Mudlet again they're gone. Fiddling with the save version of the map (17 or 18) doesn't seem to help…
  • (Quote) Thanks! No clue where I can find one but I'll poke around! :)
  • The fact that there seem to be only idiots or worse incompetent idiots working for <acertainbigamericancompanythatalsomadedeepblue>. It's not even "sad" anymore, it's unbelievable that company still has a positive reputation, internationally. …
  • @Enyalida: Thanks! I'll try and invest some in discipline then. I'm already using kirigami (It's more like 30% though I think), without it I'd probably spend 90%…
  • (Quote) Hm, well I can try that.. I'm just a bit unsure. I tend to turn off regeneration / boosting when I don't need it to reg willpower back faster. But putting up and dropping surge all the time is not really an option. And I have tr…
  • (Quote) I just tested again.

    Surge definitely drains. I only have surge up and it drains about 0,9% of my mana every 3-4 seconds, drains willpower too.

    No wonder I had such trouble. I can now decide whether I want …
  • Does athletics surge have an active mana or willpower drain? For some reason I get the feeling that it wrecks my willpower in absolutely no time - and regenerating it back up is about impossible.
  • Thank you for all the effort @Baelor and all the others in the background too.
  • (Quote) Yeah, there's no message or anything. Imo best you can do is message him and say when you last had them and when they were gone. I've started to check defs frequently because of that >_<.

  • @Elanorwen: I added triggers in M&M so it recognises the new enchantment lines. It's not hard to do this. in Defenses Overhual Comment by Yacsee May 2015
  • Thanks!

    ... who would have thought they mind if I reduce the patient stock a bit. Or perhaps the scientists... oh well. ;)
  • Is there any way to find out what NPC organisation correlates with your enemy status on STAT? Because.. I'm apparently enemied to one where I have no idea what that is and I'm totally stuck in trying to find out (that one being 'Alakar').

  • Thanks!

    A failsafe would make sense, though I don't think it's only blackout that triggers it. I was going for abhorrences and fesixes yesterday, neither blackout tmi. And the quoted line came from fesixes.. I should probably pay attentio…
  • So I have secondarysparkle set to on and sparkleherb set to coltsfoot.

    Yet it keeps eating sparkleberry instead of coltsfoot every once in a while. It's definitly m&m as I get these kind of echoes: (eat coltsfoot|outr coltsfoot|outr <…
  • @Baelor:

    I had a lengthy argument written up, but then I realized it's pointless. I'm not ever going to be a fink or gnome anyway, for one reason: I do …
  • Well I've actually kept my mouth shut about finks/gnomes since I've never played them.. but.

    I saw why people would - potentially - go for them due to high dex/int. There was something you couldn't reach as base through any other race.
  • (Quote) Make a proposal to change the laws (if that's what's hindering you). Give reason why it's necessary. Give the other guild leaders a deadline of <X> (IC months) to answer, give feedback, opinion etcetc. If they don't, then …
  • @Xenthos: That rings a bell. Who was that character again? <.<
  • Yeaahh. I don't know the details but you're GM. If you let others control you, you'll never get the respect of the guild and people will constantly try to make you do their bidding. So disfavour if that's what's appropriate. It will no doubt piss pe…
  • Oh good.. I mean not good, but I was starting to be afraid it's something I am doing and just stupidly not realizing it would/might strip defs. >_<

    Gonna keep an eye on it and message Ieptix when it happens again! (Thank you for try…
  • Messaged you, thank you. (Just lost them again -.-). Am I the only one having this problem... *confused*
  • Your skill in Axelord has risen to Transcendent.
    You have gained the Execute ability! To see more information, check out AB AXELORD EXECUTE.

    Wheee... first trans skill! in Lack of Raves V: Stark Ravin' Glad Comment by Yacsee May 2015
  • Tae'dae: BEARHUG can now be used on denizens, if used on a player under 33% health affected by collapsed lung it slays the player outright. (Note: Collapsed lung is a placeholder until the Knight overhaul is complete and we h…
  • Well no, not if I mug you..

    ( <3 )
    in Simple Ideas Comment by Yacsee May 2015
  • @Ieptix: So my enchantment defences went poof again. I neither logged out nor died. Could it be that they get reset or something when you load defence changes?
  • A rather late question @Baelor:

    For kephera is the hive thing completly gone then? No differences at all between male and female kephera either?
  • RENOUNCE RANKINGS XP -> takes you out of the experience rankings. Once and for all. No "joining" again later, ever.

    But honestly? I wish Lusternia had that. I love 'hiding' my level in Aetolia and I think it would be neat here too.
    in Simple Ideas Comment by Yacsee May 2015