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So why can't I have a signature?


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  • (Quote) They also have better stats for monk bashing too (higher dex, con, equal str).

    And thanks. I'll give that a go next Im in the undervault (if you see me just standing there and not running away, please show me mercy =P…
  • So, a new question for a new day. The autobasher I have will trigger when I check rooms or when creatures move in or out. However it wont trigger if I am following someone or I am in someones squad. I have tried using gmcp.Room.Info and gmcp.Char.It…
  • Would anyone have some in depth descriptions of some Keph or some critiques for my description? I feel like it could be improved after I read some of the descriptions other people write

  • (Quote) Are you sure? A bunch of the Keph NPCs in Celest are brown/tan? And I swore I saw a red one in the Undervaults.
  • (Quote) The Hive statement about the city I got from one of the NPC Keph guards around the Nexus, so I'm kind of inclined to just follow that. However the rest of that sounds golden. I'll have to hit her up (though I'm a bit daunted con…
  • Thanks a billion, that did the trick! Don't know why I didn't realise that on my own =\
  • Has anyone got any advice as to why the current script wont run when gmcp.Char.Vitals is updated? I do have gmcp.Char.Vitals in the event handlers box and I do have gmcp enabled:

    function getVitals()

    -- Vitals and statistics…

  • It was an idea to store all your characters vitals in one place so it would be easier to maintain and call needed values. But I've since edited it since I didn't take this and that into account. Thanks though in General Mudlet Questions Comment by Zael June 2014
  • Ok, new question. Trying to get a script to start once the character logs in to log all the important data so that I can have a basis to build other systems off (ie if I want to check this or that, I'd check from here). However, it doesn't seem to w…
  • Ok, got it working. Shouldn't interfere with any outside system, including the map autowalker. Super simple stuff, but if anyone wants it here it is. Just uses keys around your number pad to move and should autoswim you around if you don't have wate…
  • Thanks!

    After trying your suggestion, you'd have to try to swim once before the boolean would change, therefore wasting a keystroke. I want to see if I can make it more robust, so I've got this as the main code:

    movement = {wat…
  • Cause I'm stupid and forgot how to edit posts.

    Autobasher works fine, I'm just an idiot. It will not continue to bash with auto target activated to reduce spam. It will keep swinging if there's a valid target, else you will need to disabl…
  • Ok so I got it working.. mostly.

    Due to limitations of not having m&m, I have cut out all beast skills, all uses of whips, the use of keeping up defenses (which in this case was only grip), all custom labels for prompts are gone, and …
  • I'm short cutting a lot of it by tampering a bit with the Medic! system. Overall it actually doesn't seem too bad, but my inexperience with how the client hands over affliction information is slowing me down (such as crippled vs broken). However you…
  • Very new to the game and to scripting in Lua in general, so figured I'd start learning here. Trying to edit the code so that it will run without m&m system, and I've run into a few snags. Not sure if you'd be willing to answer but maybe someone …