Like... more information is needed. What is the response when you try to teleport? Is there "The magics of this room prevent you from doing this thing" type of message, or "Th… (View Post)
^^ this also works for things on IH (info here in a room) - so if you IH:monk1234monk5678monk9101monk4059 You can then "probe first.monk", "probe last.monk", "give <item&g… (View Post)
Personally I think if this was introduced (demigods > being able to offer essence to Divine) it would be more of an incentive for players to get to demigod and also give them something to do once … (View Post)
I just spent a lot on zimoru to have shiny new beasties -- so happy I could revert some back to a nice version from experimenting! Definitely the best 200db I've spent in a while. How about that zimo… (View Post)
Sorry, you're wrong. Furrikin was /never/ a problem before the wonderpipe. Please give me proof where everyone and their mother was a furrikin pre-pipe to warrant it being a problem, and then we'll t… (View Post)