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  • Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

My favorite memory so far? I live on your (players, collectively) praise. I am a sucker for it. Anytime I can make a difference, or do something cool that makes you want to tell everyone, th… (View Post)
  • Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

 Do beasts count? I had a custom beast as a mortal that I miss a lot. I also had a neat stole, I miss that too. Well, We get custom hair curios, so that goes on obviously. For Me personally,… (View Post)
  • Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

 Music is really important to me out-of-play, and helps me connect to my fictional characters. I seek out music that helps me express or go through what my characters are going through. For … (View Post)
  • Re: Lusternian Divine AMA

    1. I'm not going to ask, I'm imposing My own answer on your AMA - Divine Realms count, so there is a specific room in My Temple, the Icy Throne of the Nightmare. 2. The like, immediate always go to m… (View Post)