I'm really torn about it. Blowing off even a small piece of the Moondance Tower would be heartbreaking. Every single room has at least one story behind or in it. The hardest part is just accepting so… (View Post)
Psh, that's super easy to do. Oh hey, a new-ish character that's ridiculously generous and exceedingly helpful to all the people he can. Hi Shaddus. (View Post)
Not sure if some sort of typo thread would be better for this, but... Trying to switch out teleport/enter messages can be pretty awkward. Each command seems to want a different line, I can never tell… (View Post)
AB TAILORING SHRED A skilled Tailor can ruin an item of clothing, reducing its lifespan and its prestige to the first tawdry level. Tawdry clothes are way too scarce, and currently take RL months to … (View Post)