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  • Re: Design Requests


I don't know if it's more accessible, but it seems to be highly desired. When I design clothing I use whatever material will work best with the vision I have for the design. I often… (View Post)
  • Design Requests

    I thought it might be fun to have a thread for public design requests. I often get requests for a certain design that a person would like access to, but either doesn't have time to design, or does no… (View Post)
  • Re: Perceptions of Characters: Forums reloaded

    I'm going to do Eventru cause he posted here and now he deserves my wrath. From what I remember Fania didn't like Lord Eventru when He first came around. There was a lot of little things that he did … (View Post)
  • Lorina's Song

    So I was going to do something productive tonight but instead I did this. Lorina knows why. This might deserve a painting or two chucked in my manse. I hope you all liked Grease... Lorina's Song Ther… (View Post)
  • Re: Simple Ideas

    It should be easier than that, Chenakti. It would just make more sense to have the 2% fee taken when you put the money into the bank. That way you always know exactly how much is in your account and … (View Post)