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  • Solstice Artifact ideas
    - Axelord Hack - maybe useable 6-12 times a weave for non-axelord users
    - Serpent ability/Great pentagram
    - Poison immunity
    - Campfire (hunting campfire that costs no comms for someone that has the skill. …
  • I think some trials still need to be open pvp - or you're going to exclude the ones that either don't want the seal, already have the seal, or have already ascended. Everyone should be allowed to participate and not have to sit on the sidelines. 
  • (Quote) Yes, I was. At the time, not a lot of my organization left. Guilds are still dead and lifeless. I'm getting ready to lose a few for inactivity. Counting myself, I have three guild members that I see daily or every other day. How is th…
    in Org Reduction Comment by Freja July 2023
  • I don't think anyone wants to intentionally kill off organizations. As Uilani said in the roadmap, this is a lot of work to delete them and move forward with closing an organization. I can't even imagine how the creators of these organizations would…
    in Org Reduction Comment by Freja July 2023
  • Back when Gaudiguch and Hallifax opened, Lusternia didn't have the population to begin with. They took a thin population and then stretched it over six organizations.

    The admin had already asked older characters to give up their sense of…
    in Org Reduction Comment by Freja July 2023
  • I hope the Admin continues to do the wargames before the big major show of Ascension. Even though I think it was mainly to test lag, I feel it would still be a good idea to give people a chance to remember the craziness that happens and to show firs…
  • This proposal, I can absolutely get on board with so far. 
  • (Quote) I didn’t say it was. I’m voicing my opinion and thoughts. 
  • I can be on my soapbox of this for hours. My opinion is the alliance system isn’t going to fix the issue. The issue is population and no continuation of Lusternia’s story. If there isn’t a next chapter how do you expect people to stay? 
  • The forcing of an alliance shake-up is impossible for us, short of telling you who to ally with and when. 

    I’ll admit if the state of the game was in a better place I would be able to look at this pro…

  • (Quote) I think a balance of RP, events and pvp. When everything gets taken away and the only thing added is more work, no one wants to log in and do it.
  • Lusternia is dying. This saddens me, a lot. 
  • That will still come down to population, I know during my peak times we have a lot of IHC and not a lot of SL. But if I log in before I go to work in the wee morning hours, SL is booming. 
  • The problem is the population. We have too many organizations and too few players.

    How is the power cost going to work when organizations are dead and have no people to generate power? That's going to suck up a lot of resources for…

    Race: Faeling
    Gender: Female
    Guild: Archons 
    City/Commune: New Celest
    Order: Previous Shikari knight


  • How will curio/trade artifacts work with proficiencies? I assume they will stay as is? So far I love this idea. 
  • Hey, Alarin, this means no more zombie gold drops >.> <3
  • Some parts of this I like. Other parts are making me physically ill at how many lessons, credits for artifacts and buying curios, and the 70 million essence I spent on a second trade. I don't want to even think about how much I spent. Yes, the reaso…
  • As the days have gone from Ascension I felt angry, discouraged and now sad. I understand both sides are upset, I understand both sides feel like they were unjustified. What's done is done, in a way. Despite the lag, the hard work and even all the co…