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Tremula · Banished Quasiroyal


Last Active


  • (Quote) Holy <redacted>, you just saved me so much frustration
  • (Quote) So, you're saying. That tripling the amount of essence available to the divine from player offerings...is a bad thing? As it would be available to everyone from it being included with shrine? Counteracts affinity?
  • Idea shamelessly stolen from @Nicholo because I'd like this even if people have to pay for it:

    A way for demis to offer up their own essence to the div…
  • Rankings explorers:
    #1-17 Person who this post isn't about                      Irrelevant
    #18     The Alabaster Eminence Tremula, Singer of H  a Voyager to the Beyond


    I really wish there was a way to know if you'…
  • By the way, @Sylandra you should hook up with some of the other mafia experts and write a post that's a guide on mafia plays! It would help people who are first-…
  • The truth is I am awful at this game but I keep playing because it's fun and I feel like I learn a little more each time. Luce didn't pique my scumdar but I 100% thought it was Kalikai and Vinra if it was two.
  • I KNEW IT WAS 4V2. I HAD A FEELING DEEP IN MY GUT. But unfortunately real life hit like a truck and I couldn't pounce on it. A good game, but sorry I got rando-ganked from it.
  • "Master Plan"

    1) get information
    2) give information to town
    2.5) entertain myself
    3) I die, probably
    4) ?????
    5) Profit
  • So first off I think Sylandra is absolutely in the right in how she jumped on my claim so early on, I would do the same thing if I were in her shoes. Ultimately it is good information, if less than perfectly obtained, information coming forward so a…
  • Apologies on the late reply, I ended up being a manly man yesterday who did manly man yardwork. With pressure washers. And spraypaint!

    The long and hard is that I'm drawing a big crowd intentionally because I'm a tactical liability in how…
  • I know Marcella is banned from the forums and doesn't share a whole lot, but recently she and I went through a great RP where I got to go straight-up Malmydia on her like Kurut did to me so very long ago, so I thought I'd share her new desc since I'…
  • All here and all caught up. It's going to see how Sylandra's problem solving skills fire in real time, rather than over the course of a few weeks in multiple days. Without a heavy player presence having a tonne of investable powers doesn't make a wh…
  • @Vinra and @Lucaln for tonight as well, you made the fact that I got woken up …
  • (Quote) It also works on beasts, so you can never worry about losing your super-cool appearances by testing your chemset and seeing what possibilities there are.
  • Occasionally when doing Marani, the lack of available clues can cause people to need to rely on several rounds of guesswork to get a foothold to be able to complete the rest of the quest. By this time, of course, any of the items that you could/shou…
  • Persona 5 and Dynasty Warriors 9 have been taking up a lot of my time lately.

  • (Quote) Because unlike her secular husband, Trem is very religious much as a great amount of Lusternia is. Besides wanting to be high up on the offerings list and roleplay purposes, there's also the benefit of more activity for tradesman and …
    in Simple Ideas Comment by Tremula May 2018
  • Herbalists: INCENSE. All those useless herbs that are only used for cooking and alchemy now? Well, turns out they smell p good if you know how to group, bind, and smoke 'em. Some of them might give a boost to sanctifying or something.

    in Simple Ideas Comment by Tremula May 2018
  • (Quote) image
  • The newest, double-part episode of Steven Universe has me going back through every episode and shouting angrily when I re-read things. No spoilers, but you definitely need to watch it if you haven't already.
  • (Quote)
  • @Admins #bringbackwishbone
  • Update: I've got basic things running in Mush thanks to a lot of help from the community, now I just need to figure out how to work my defs and the different dialect that I know Mush uses for lua compared to Mudlet. I am so happy to have swapped aga…
  • (Quote) We have a peaceful alliance between the squirrels that live in the trees in our front yards and the different birds that come to visit. The squirrels can't climb the feeder (thanks to some ingenuous rigging on our part) so the birds w…
  • Brought to you by my frustration with Mush and shitposting on discord:


     1st person: You turn red in consternation as you huff and puff, stammering, "W-w-wait until my father hears about th-this!"
    in Emote Ideas Comment by Tremula May 2018
  • I will be sparse over the next few days as I make the treacherous journey back into Mushclient and try and get everything set up. I can log in, but other than checking on reports and/or designs, there's a lot I have to fix before I'm comfortable jum…
  • Are you talking about the prophesy lines? They're kept in now so that might be solved with a bug or an issue.

    I'd like my 15 lines from Hallifax, Celest, and Gaudi, though. <_< "She once sat as an Adjudicator of the Merciful Justice…
  • I'll forever be sad that org epic honour lines disappear once you leave the org. Even if it were changed to be '(S)He was once accounted as...blah'. But then again, I'd also like to keep an inert version of the orgbix for sentimental reasons (A tarn…